Larry King, the iconic host of CNN’s Larry King Live for the past quarter-century, is pulling the plug on the show on Thursday.
The 77-year-old host announced over the summer that he would stop hosting the program, having hosted everyone from Donald Trump to President Barack Obama. “It’s time to hang up my nightly suspenders,” he said at the time.
According to the Associated Press, in his time slot, King ranks third behind Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. He drew an average of around 700,000 viewers in 2010.
“It’s sad,” King told CNN, “but there’s a time to go. You know when it’s time.”
King holds the Guinness World Record for having the longest running show with the same host during the same time slot.
In King’s time slot, British journalist and personality Piers Morgan will have his own show, Piers Morgan Tonight.
“I have no complaints against CNN,” he told the network. “It’s been a hell of a marriage. This is not a divorce.”
As for his style of interviewing, some have said that he asks “soft” or easy questions. However, King has said others misinterpret his brevity.
“I ask short questions,” he said years ago, according to ABC, “I have no pretense at intellectuality, I don’t pretend to know it all.”
The 77-year-old host announced over the summer that he would stop hosting the program, having hosted everyone from Donald Trump to President Barack Obama. “It’s time to hang up my nightly suspenders,” he said at the time.
According to the Associated Press, in his time slot, King ranks third behind Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. He drew an average of around 700,000 viewers in 2010.
“It’s sad,” King told CNN, “but there’s a time to go. You know when it’s time.”
King holds the Guinness World Record for having the longest running show with the same host during the same time slot.
In King’s time slot, British journalist and personality Piers Morgan will have his own show, Piers Morgan Tonight.
“I have no complaints against CNN,” he told the network. “It’s been a hell of a marriage. This is not a divorce.”
As for his style of interviewing, some have said that he asks “soft” or easy questions. However, King has said others misinterpret his brevity.
“I ask short questions,” he said years ago, according to ABC, “I have no pretense at intellectuality, I don’t pretend to know it all.”