Keep Your Hair Young

Keep Your Hair Young

Research on human behavior has shown that we make rapid visual judgments about others within just a few seconds of our first meeting. One of the biggest influences on this initial judgment is the style, color, and overall health of our hair. A person with thinning or graying hair can be assumed to be up to 10 years older than their actual age. If maintaining a youthful image is important for your professional or social life, it is important to know your options to keep your hair looking young.

What can cause thinning hair

Alopecia is an autoimmune condition where your body attacks its own hair follicles. The most common areas affected in men are the forehead and top of the head while women typically experience a general thinning of hair.

Side Effect from Drug Treatments. A few specific types of prescription drugs are commonly associated with hair loss. If you take oral contraceptives, anti-coagulants, or anti-depressants and have experienced recent hair loss, consult your physician for a possible alternative treatment that may avoid causing hair loss.

Poor Diet – A healthy scalp needs vitamin A, B, C, and iron along with biotin, folate, and inositol. People without enough of these key “hair” nutrients may see premature thinning or graying hair.

Changes in Thyroid Output – The thyroid is part of the complex endocrine system and can become over or under active during times of stress. These changes in hormone levels can cause hair loss or graying. If hair loss is accompanies by other thyroid related symptoms, ask your doctor about a referral to an Endocrinologist.

How to improve you hair health

Prescription Medications – Consult your doctor about the newest FDA approved hair growth treatments which include Rogaine and Propecia. Propecia is an oral pill that lowers Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels. Research has shown that people with high DHT are more likely to suffer from alopecia. Another treatment which is topical is Rogaine. Rogaine works by improving hair follicle health and allowing them to regrow hair naturally.

Diet – Jayson and Mira Calton recommend 8 super foods to their Hollywood celebrity clients that provide the vitamins and minerals for a healthier head of hair. These foods include yellow peppers, oysters, eggs, salmon, sunflowers, avocado, almonds, and sweet potatoes.

Author Bio:

Chris Wimmer blogs at about the benefits of juicing. Are you interested in learning more about a nutrition based solution for healthier hair? Check out his Juicing for Health Growth article.

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Chris blogs at about cooking, juicing, and hydroponic gardening. He's new at Facebook and isn't very good at it so stop by and provide some encouragement!
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