Ways to Jazz Up Your Winter Workout

Ways to Jazz Up Your Winter Workout

When the weather gets colder, it can be easy to allow yourself to stay indoors and become less active. Allowing your regular workout schedule to suffer, however, can have serious health consequences, especially if you have found yourself largely sedentary.

A study performed by English scientists reported that, even if you exercise regularly, the risk of developing heart disease is increased by 150 percent if you sit most of the day. Your workout does not have to be something you dread, and there are three ways to jazz up your winter workout to keep it fun and exciting.

1. Find An Indoor Venue With Group Activities

Working out with a group offers motivation. Find an indoor workout venue and inquire about their various programs. Knowing you will have others expecting your attendance makes you more likely to attend regularly, and among the exciting programs you can participate in include:

  • Yoga
  • Kickboxing
  • Turbo kick
  • Cycling

2. Your Winter Workout Wardrobe

Let’s face it. Treating ourselves to new clothes feels good, and we are ready to show the world our new style sense. Make an investment in winter workout clothes. Among the items you can seek out include:

  • Insulated t-shirts
  • Moisture-resistent socks to prevent hypothermia
  • Mittens or gloves
  • Headbands
  • Insulated jackets

3. Consider Workout DVDs

When the weather really gets inclement, staying at home may be the best choice. This does not have to be an excuse to compromise your workout. There are thousands of workout DVDs to choose from, and they offer a variety of exercises. Not only can you choose the ones that are of particular interest to you, but you can also mix it up on the various days of the week without having to leave the house.

Your Health Depends On It

The winter months include a number of holidays, and this means you are likely consuming more food. According to Dr. Diana Sommers of Simmons Medical Clinic, “Exercise is especially important during this time of year. Not only does it help you burn the extra calories you are likely taking in, but it also assists with blood sugar management and insulin resistance.” By employing these three simple steps, you can enjoy your workout this winter season and keep it exciting and fun.

For more information about exercise, weight loss, and general fitness check out Chris Wimmer’s blog at HealthyLivingSummit.com including his Venus Factor review which examines the benefits of a leptin based weight loss approach.

Chris blogs at HealthSmartLiving.com about cooking, juicing, and hydroponic gardening. He's new at Facebook and isn't very good at it so stop by and provide some encouragement!