Johnny Depp Mocks Australian Apology in London


Actor Johnny Depp is still apologizing for smuggling his dogs into Australia—sort of.

During a press conference in London on Sunday, May 8, Depp joined a list of many when he mocked his own apology to Australian government officials.

“I really would like to apologize for not smuggling my dogs into England because it would have been a bad thing to do,” he said in a similar fashion to the April 18 original apology. 

“I’m going to do this everywhere I go,” he jokingly added.

Johnny Depp and his wife Amber Heard offered a video apology to Australia for smuggling their two dogs—a violation of quarantine rules—into the country in 2015.

Heard pleaded guilty to charges that she knowingly provided falsified documents regarding her two Yorkshire terriers when she arrived on the Gold Coast to visit her husband, who was filming the fifth installment of “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

In the released video, Depp and Heard appeared stoic and unamused as Heard praised Australia for its beauty.

“Australia is a wonderful island with a treasure trove of unique plants, animals and people,” said Heard. “Australia is free of many pests and diseases that are commonplace around the world. That is why Australia has to have such strong biosecurity laws.” 

Depp added: “It has to be protected. When you disrespect Australian law, they will tell you firmly” before advising for visitors to “declare everything when you enter Australia.”

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce wasn’t easily convinced on the sincerity of the apology.

“I think he’s auditioning for ‘The Godfather,’” said Joyce of the 52-year-old actor during an appearance on “Sunrise” on April 19. “He’s very good at playing every person except Johnny Depp.”

Despite many believing that Joyce was behind what many perceived a forced apology, he refuted those claims.

“As far as me directing that atrocious movie? No,” he said. “Even I could have done it a little bit better than that. Do it again, Johnny. Do it with gusto, mate! A little gusto, come on.”

Watch the short clip where the actor makes fun of himself above.