Infographic Released Calculates The Cost Of Pain & Suffering

Infographic Released Calculates The Cost Of Pain & Suffering
Linda Moore

Typically, people do not associate the cost incurred for pain and suffering. However, the events that are related to the cause of your pain and suffering could actually cost you money according to the “Calculating Pain and Suffering Infographic.” There may have been some situations that were beyond your control and led to an injury or traumatic incident. If that were the case it may be possible to receive payment as a result according to the infographic.

In order to correctly calculate the aftereffects of an injury there are certain situations that must be taken into account first. The severity of the injury and the effects it may have on your prior lifestyle is taken into consideration as well as your inability to complete prior tasks or functions. For instance, if a child has suffered from a concussion, it may lead to an extensive brain injury, which can lead to memory loss. As a result, the injury can affect the child’s ability to function as they had in the past or participate in certain school activities.

Situations that cause personal injury damage, leading to pain and suffering vary by degree according to the infographic. Therefore, no two pain and suffering situations can be calculated the same to determine the cost related to the injury or traumatic incident. The multiplier used to calculate pain and suffering ranges between 0.5 and 1.25. However, it is determined by the severity of the injury in relation to the scale. The scale for personal injury cost calculations are figured from a range of 0 to 60, with 0 being the least severe and 60 the maximum.

The infographic provide a few examples of how pain and suffering calculations are determined in relation to the scale. It will give you an overall perspective of how a personal pain and suffering claim will be determined and the amount you may receive if it is taken to court.

I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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