A source revealed human rights activist Hu Jia, who disappeared on December 27, 2007, was arrested that afternoon. The Tongzhou Domestic Security Division of the Beijing Police Department arrested him for “suspected involvement in subversion.”
Hu Jia’s wife Ms. Zeng Jinyan, mother in law, and his one-month-old daughter are currently under police surveillance in their home in Taongzhou.
Chi Zhiyong, a democratic activist said, “At 3 p.m. yesterday (December 27), I was chatting with Hu online when suddenly, my message couldn’t get through. Hu’s family verified that the Tongzhou Domestic Security Division in Beijing arrested Hu from his home at that time. Hu’s whereabouts are still unknown.”

Unannounced, the Beijing police arrested Hu and put his wife and daughter under house arrest. This same procedure was used to harass human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng and his family for months at a time.
Hu has been a human rights activist since 2000 and refuses to cooperate with the communist authority. Hu was thus put on the authority’s watch list because of his many efforts to support other activists, including the “Conscience of China,” human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng.
When Hu disappeared in 2006, his wife started a blog in an attempt to rescue him. Three months later, Hu was reunited with his family. After that came more serious monitoring by the authority. The police beat Hu many times for his attempt to gain more freedom.
This year Hu has been under 24-7 surveillance for six months by Beijing police. The police followed Hu to the hospital when he visited his wife after she gave birth to their baby. There were about a dozen police officers watching them around the clock when Hu lived in his mother-in-law’s home in Tongzhou.
The Epoch Times reporter attempted to call Hu on the four phone numbers published online and no one answered.