Hubei Resident Reflects on the Regime’s Handling of the Epidemic

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A resident of Hubei videotaped himself making a statement about his thoughts on China’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic. Chinese state media have been praising the Chinese communist regime for having “successfully” managed the epidemic, saying that the dictatorship handles calamities more efficiently than a free democratic system. This resident points out that it is just the opposite. -


“Hello everyone.

I’m an ordinary citizen from Yingcheng City, Hubei Province. I have personally experienced the life-threatening perils and hardships brought upon us by this pandemic.

I believe I am qualified to talk about my thoughts regarding this pandemic. During this epidemic, the ones who suffer are the people.

Those who take risks to treat those who are sick are also our brothers and sisters, and their children. Responding to the pandemic relies on us looking at the bigger picture, restraining ourselves, and taking responsibility.

It relies on the wealth formerly accumulated in the free market, and actual solutions.

Don’t mistake the arrogance and inherent weaknesses in authoritarian power as superiority to be applauded. What we need to do is reassess.”