Black Lives Matter Movement
The majority of African Americans, 65 percent, support the Black Lives Matter movement. The study says 41 percent of blacks strongly support the campaign, while 24 percent say they somewhat support it, and 12 percent of blacks say they do not support it.
Forty percent of whites say they somewhat or strongly support the Black Lives Matter campaign, with 14 percent saying they strongly support it.
Echo From the Past
Treitler noted the riots occurring these days are similar to those that took place in 1967.
“Fifty years later, we’re almost in the exact same position,” said Treitler. “There are many similarities.”
After the 1967 riots, President Lyndon B. Johnson established an 11-member advisory committee to investigate the incidents. The report, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (The Kerner Report), was completed just a few years after the Civil Rights Act.
“This deepening racial division is not inevitable,” the Kerner Report said.

The tense relationship between police and non-whites was also highlighted in the Kerner Report.
“The abrasive relationship between the police and the minority communities has been a major-and explosive-source of grievance, tension and disorder,” said the report.
“The blame must be shared by the total society.”
Treitler doesn’t see racism going away soon, especially with rising xenophobia and anti-immigrant views.
“Racial relations won’t get better,” she said, “Racists won’t do better themselves, how is it supposed to disappear?”
“We’re in the same spot as 1967.”