A congressman was escorted from the House floor on Wednesday for wearing a hooded sweatshirt to honor slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, according to reports.
Rep. Bobby Rush, a Democrat from Illinois, put on a hoodie and made a speech denouncing the killing of the teen.
“I applaud the young people, all across the land who are making a statement about hoodies, about the real hoodlums in this nation, specifically those who tread on our law wearing official or quasi-official cloaks,” he said on the floor, according to the Washington Post.
He added, “Racial profiling has got to stop. Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum.”
Rep. Gregg Harper, who presided over the House at the time, banged the gavel as soon as Rush lifted the hood on his head, citing that it is against House rules for a Congress member wear a hat in the chamber.
Martin, 17, was shot and killed last month by a neighborhood watch volunteer, sparking protests across the country.
Hoodie-Wearing Congressman Removed From House Floor
A congressman was escorted from the House floor on Wednesday for wearing a hooded sweatshirt to honor slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.