Gore ‘Romney Rich’ After Recent Moves, Report Says

Gore ‘Romney rich’: A recent report claims that former Vice-President Al Gore is now “Romney rich,” referring to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Gore ‘Romney Rich’ After Recent Moves, Report Says
Former Vice President of United States of America Al Gore is pictured in April, 2013. (Justin Mac Innes/Dept of the Taoiseach via Getty Images)

Gore ‘Romney rich’: A recent report claims that former Vice-President Al Gore is now “Romney rich,” referring to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Bloomberg’s Business Week said that in 1999, Gore only had around $1.7 million in assets and sold around $6,000 worth of cows at the time.

But in 2013, Gore is estimated to have made $100 million in a single month. He sold his Current TV to Al Jazeera television for $500 million and after debt, he took home around $70 million from that sale, the publication reported, citing sources close to the deal.

Gore, who lost the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, then also exercised his stock options on around 59,000 shares of Apple Inc. stock. Business Week said that he likely took home around $30 million in the move. 

Romney, a presidential candidate, is worth an estimated $400 million.

Gore also derives his wealth from shares in Occidental Petroleum Corp. that he inherited from his father.

MarketWatch pointed out that Gore was criticized after the Business Week report.

“So leftie turnip crunchers, seems yer poster boy Al Gore has achieved the 1%, almost catching greedy rich boy Romney,” said Twitter user Lee Alley, who says he is also from Tennessee, like the former vice president.