Golden Retriever ‘Cries’ at Night Awaiting Her Owner Who Won’t Be Coming Back

Golden Retriever ‘Cries’ at Night Awaiting Her Owner Who Won’t Be Coming Back
(Illustration - AGCuesta/Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in May 2019.
The death of University of Santo Tomas law freshman Horacio “Atio” Castillo III made the headlines in the Philippines in September 2017. The 22-year-old student succumbed to a heart attack due to a “massive injury,” sustained during an alleged Aegis Juris fraternity hazing incident. During the funeral, his dog faithfully stayed by his side.

Horacio “Atio” Castillo III was laid to rest in Manila Memorial Park, Paranaque, on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017.

Atio’s golden retriever, Lega, donning a white T-shirt printed with the words #JusticeForHoracio, looked visibly crestfallen at her master’s funeral.

Atio’s uncle, Gerardo Castillo, shared a tear-jerking photo of Lega, apparently mourning over her lifeless master, who was lying in a coffin, on Facebook. The photo was taken during Atio’s wake at the Santuario de San Antonio in Makati.

“My dearest Atio, Lega misses you so bad that she wants to kiss you but she cannot comprehend why you are no longer with her,” wrote Castillo.

Castillo shared that Lega was having a hard time coping with her master not around.

“I see Lega and it seems she sees you still and really cries at night. Do you know Atio she goes to your room and wonder why you have not come home yet but I know she knows something must have gone wrong.”

“I love you Atio and same with Lega,” he added.

Even on the last night of Atio’s wake, the loyal Lega refused to leave her master alone.

Senator Miguel Zubiri captured the photo of the loyal dog, Lega, sitting faithfully under Atio’s coffin on the last night of the wake.

“This scene is heartbreaking. Atio Castillo’s loyal dog Lega did not want to leave her best friend’s side last night at the last day of Atio’s wake. So sad,” the senator wrote on Facebook.

Castillo’s touching post has garnered more than 31,000 reactions since it was shared on Sept. 21, 2017.

“This picture put me in tears,” one Facebook user commented.

“So sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers,” another wrote.

(Screenshot/Gerardo M. Castillo)
(Screenshot/Gerardo M. Castillo)

Six months later on March 24, 2018, at around 11 a.m., 10 members of the Aegis Juris fraternity, who have been accused of being responsible for the hazing-related death of Atio, turned themselves in at the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in Manila.

The 10 suspects—Mhin Wei Chan, Jose Miguel Salamat, John Robin Ramos, Marcelino Bagtang Jr., Arvin Balag, Ralph Trangia, Axel Munro Hipe, Oliver Onofre, Joshua Joriel Macabali, and Hans Matthew Rodrigo—were accompanied by their parents and lawyers, The Philippine Star reported.
Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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