Godzilla (2014) Main Trailer Reveals as Much as Teaser

The Godzilla (2014) main trailer was released Feb. 25, and it’s still not giving anything away.

The Godzilla (2014) main trailer was released Feb. 25, and it’s still not giving anything away.

Scenes of a damaged Statue of Liberty, burning city, soldiers leaping out of planes, and people panicking could be from any movie featuring giant monsters, aliens, and modern war.

There are tantalizing flashes of the iconic Japanese kaiju’s (strange monster) spikes and a very brief (2 seconds) front shot of a roaring Godzilla, but viewers are very much left in the dark. Clearly, director Gareth Edwards and co-producing studios Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures are playing this one close to the chest.

Say “Ah....”(Youtube)

Walter White makes an appearance in the trailer. What? Bryan Cranston’s controlled ‘freakout’ voice over brings memories of Breaking Bad. If you’re still not convinced, check out his hazard suit.

Walter White teams up with Jesse Pinkman to take down Godzilla... not. (Youtube)

Stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Ken Watanabe also feature in this latest remake.

Godzilla hits cinemas May 16, 2014.

Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.
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