The world is on fire. All around, major military turmoil threatens the global food supply chain.
What’s happening around the world will result in major local consequences. Soon enough, you’ll see those prices at the grocery store rise higher and higher. That is, if there’s any food at all.
The end of the Black Sea Grain Deal could be the beginning of a dangerous domino effect everywhere, not just among developing nations. Plus, the recent statements and behaviors of Chinese officials indicate tensions could rise even higher.
All in all, this means food will soon be scarce. All sorts of imports coming in from other countries could be at risk, too.
Unpredictable supply-chain breakdowns are nothing new. They began with the pandemic and have continued into today, thanks to international tensions around the world. When these things happen, our food supply is impacted every time.
All of this on top of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recent warning about future food shortages—due to countless crops being plowed under—just about everything we buy at the grocery store will be hit.
More Shortages Ahead
Smart Americans are turning to self-reliance and preparedness while they still can. Most people will be caught by surprise—no matter where they live. Things might never be “normal” again.Only those who are prepared for such situations will get through them unscathed. That’s why millions of families stockpile emergency food—just to be safe. If you haven’t secured an adequate amount of emergency meals, consider starting your supply right away. It may be the only way your family will make it through the coming food crisis.

Food Insecurity Is Now a First-World Problem
When the pandemic hit and supply chains snapped, we all hoped it would only have temporary effects. But that is not the case. Even today—three years later—we are still suffering from the shortages and blockades.And this is not just “the tragedy of the delayed treadmill,” as Jen Psaki, former White House Press Secretary, dismissed so mockingly.
The consequences of global conflict will be widespread and prolonged. Soon, we’ll see shortages of nearly everything coming from other countries—simply because ships won’t be allowed to transport their cargo abroad.
The nations we’re up against are already hoarding their wheat, rice, corn, and other essential food items. All the while, they’re laughing at “stupid Americans” for being unprepared and oblivious.
What Can You Do?
When people finally realize what’s coming, they’ll snap to attention. Our struggling economy and inflated costs will be compounded by supply-chain disruptions like we’ve never seen.At the end of the day, we’ll watch an astonishing deterioration of our standard of living.
As the old saying goes, “You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.” And frankly, that’s what we’re facing: empty grocery stores and sky-high food prices.
You Can’t Eat Gold
There’s nothing foolish or odd about being prepared. Suburban housewives are now the biggest buyers of emergency food. They’re not crazy preppers—they’re soccer moms and mama bears who can see what’s coming. They’re not about to let their loved ones suffer.Although gold is a smart monetary hedge against inflation, you can’t eat it—plain and simple. There may even come a day when trying to buy food with gold will be ridiculous. People will have very little food remaining, and they won’t be willing to sell or share it. They’ll have their own families to feed.
Dare to Prepare for Food Shortages
With global tensions rising more and more each day, millions of people are waking up to this simple truth: Prepare today to survive tomorrow. It’s the smart thing to do!People are no longer afraid of what others might say. Rather, people are realizing that having emergency food doesn’t mean you’re paranoid—it means you’re prudent!