Galaxy S6: Can Samsung Improve on its Galaxy Series to Get Traction Against the iPhone 6?

The iPhone 6 may be drawing rave reviews, but Samsung could already have the answers on hand to make the Galaxy S6 even better.

The iPhone 6 may be drawing rave reviews, but Samsung could already have the answers on hand to make the Galaxy S6 even better. 

The Galaxy S5 is a solid flagship phone that pips the iPhone 6 in plenty of areas, but just isn’t as desirable because of its design and all plastic construct. 

Indeed, it is hard to argue against the beautifully curved, aluminium unibody iPhone 6 chassis, which screams out “premium device” to casual observers, especially when placed side by side with the Galaxy S5.  

Samsung doesn’t have to do an Apple and build a fully metal phone just to stay in the game though. 

To build the iPhone 6 killer, design is key, and Samsung would do well to incorporate and further develop existing design features from its latest devices in the Galaxy S6. 

Fashion wise, the Samsung phone that stands out from their sea of devices is the Galaxy Alpha. 

Vlad Savov from The Verge praised the Galaxy Alpha’s smart and efficient metal frame design, and noted that one had to see the phone in person to “appreciate its slick and refined look.” 

If Samsung packs its latest and greatest mobile tech into a phone that is just as gorgeously designed as the partially metal Galaxy Alpha, then critics won’t be complaining about uninspired design or “cheap” plastic when the Galaxy S6 comes around. 

Samsung would unlikely have a unibody metal phone if they want to have easily removable batteries on their devices (a convenient feature that also helps them stand out from Apple), but they won’t be worse off for having those faux leather back covers found in the Galaxy Note 4. 

Finally, Samsung can make the Galaxy S6 that bit more desirable by reducing the bloatware included in its version of Android L. That would not only make its software (and hence, hardware) more attractive to would-be Apple buyers, but also allow the Galaxy S6 to better stand out from the Android phone crowd. 

Larry Ong
Larry Ong
Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.