Free Admission to Huangshan Attract Huge Crowds of Visitors When CCP virus Crisis Is Far from Over

Epoch Video

The Yellow Mountains (Huangshan) in Anhui Province, one of China’s most spectacular areas of natural scenery, offered free entry to all residents in Anhui Province. Starting April 1, lines began forming as early as 4 a.m. Soon after the opening of the main gates, scenic spots were full of visitors. On April 4, Huangshan Scenic Area reached its limit of 20,000 tourists,

The following video shows that on April 1, the first day of free entry, many people were already queuing at 4 a.m. The trails going up the mountain were packed, and many were not wearing masks, sparking fears of another viral outbreak. - “My God! Look at the sea of people in Huangshan, it’s too crowded to move. Don’t come to Huangshan today. With these long lines, you won’t be able to get in.” - “This is the situation in Huangshan when visitors haven’t even started to climb the mountain yet. We are still waiting for shuttles. It’s just horrible.” - “Friends from Anhui Province, please don’t come to Huangshan, you have to wait a long time for the shuttles, don’t come! Look at how many people there are.” - “All you get to see in this footage is people’s heads. No sightseeing but looking at people’s heads if you are here.”

A twitter user named Dong Brother originally wanted to go to Huangshan but canceled his trip because of the crowds. He tweeted, “Tickets for Huangshan are usually too expensive—230 yuan per person ($32). Now many people are going there because it’s free. See how they suffer! (Remember that) the epidemic is not over yet!”
At the same time, Chinese authorities banned tomb-sweeping—visit cemetery to pay respect to the deceased, on the Tomb Sweeping Festival this year, which was April 4, citing the excuse of coronavirus control.
Anhui netizen Mr. Shi commented on this, saying: “Thousands of people from Anhui are visiting the mountains during such a dangerous period. Many people are outraged and complaining about not being allowed to go to the cemetery to worship the dead. Is visiting the dead more dangerous than allowing so many people to gather here?”
Huangshan is located in Huangshan City, south of Anhui Province. It is the only mountain scenery among China’s top ten scenic spots.