Four Obamacare Limericks

Four Obamacare Limericks
Evan Mantyk

The following were originally submitted to The Society of Classical Poets, but have been selected to be published first on The Epoch Times based on their content:


Limerick by Troy Campling

The cost of insurance was such
Its price I could sadly not touch –
So I gave all of that
To a young bureaucrat
And now it costs three times as much!

Troy Camplin is an author, poet, and interdisciplinary scholar living in Richardson, Texas.


Limericks by Terence Marin

There was a young man of good health
Who had no interest in wealth
“The more that I make
The government takes”
He said, “so I'll restrain myself”

I went Obamacare shopping
And found my bank account dropping
The best plan out there
Is t' have no healthcare
It will keep my heart from stopping

All doctors are forced to treat patients
Even if they don’t make payments;
Why not let the MDs
Treat whoev'r they please;
Then watch all the health improvements!

Terence Marin is a poet living in New York


Evan Mantyk is an English teacher in New York and President of the Society of Classical Poets.
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