Former CCP Party Chief Caught in Prostitute Scandal

Mi Fengjun, a former Communist Party chief of Changchun City and deputy chief of Jilin Provincial Congress Standing Committee, was arrested when visiting prostitutes in a hotel located in Changchun City. Mi Fengjun is the highest official ranking among those being investigated in Jilin Province.
Former CCP Party Chief Caught in Prostitute Scandal
Mi Fengjun, a former Communist Party chief of Changchun City and deputy chief of Jilin Provincial Congress Standing Committee, was arrested when visiting prostitutes in a hotel located in Changchun City. Mi Fengjun is the highest official ranking among those being investigated in Jilin Province.

Mi Fengjun, involved in two major embezzlement and bribe-taking cases, is also responsible for carrying out brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun while serving as the Party committee secretary of Changchun.

Mainland media revealed that Mi had maintained his position through bribing higher officials. He made himself unavailable when required by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI). Finally, on April 28, the CCDI and the Joint Anti-Corruption Bureau of Jilin Province phone tagged his cellular phone and caught him in the presence of two prostitutes. The witness identified Mi as a frequent customer of the hotel that has had relationships with more than 100 prostitutes in the hotel.

Mi Fengjun has served in Jilin Province for 17 years. The case erupted within three months after his retirement. Also involved in this case are Tian Zhong, the former deputy Party chief of Changchun; Li Xu, chairman of Northeast Securities; and several high-level personnel in business.

While serving in Jilin Province, Mi has been suspected of being involved in corruption many times. It is believed his father-in-law being close friends of Jiang Zemin, the former regime leader, and Wang Yunkun, the Party chief of Jilin Province, has prevented him from being indicted.

Additionally, Minghui Reports has documented that since July 20, 1999, Mi has followed Jiang Zemin’s orders and carried out the illegal suppression and cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners during his term as the Changchun City Party Committee Secretary.

It is believed Mi’s fall will lead to the exposure of more corrupt officials.

Mi Fengjun, of the Hui ethnic group, was born in August 1942. He graduated from the Jilin University of Technology. In 1984, he was the deputy director of Jilin Provincial Development and Planning Commission. In March 1991, he was promoted to Changchun City mayor. In June 1995, he joined the Standing Committee of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, and became the secretary of the Changchun Municipal Party Committee. In January 2001, he was also appointed director of the City People’s Congress. He was the first deputy director of the National People’s Congress of Jilin Province from January 2003 to January 2008.