Two Flushing Politicians Reported as Encouraging Thugs Attacking Falun Gong

Flushing politicians John Liu and Ellen Young reported to encourage attacks on Falun Gong.
Two Flushing Politicians Reported as Encouraging Thugs Attacking Falun Gong
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Sui Zhijie was arrested for attacking police in the 109th Precinct. On June 30, when New York councilmember John Liu called on those who were unhappy about their pictures being printed in the The Epoch Times to appeal, Sui went to Liu's office and was received by Liu. (The Epoch Times)" title="Sui Zhijie was arrested for attacking police in the 109th Precinct. On June 30, when New York councilmember John Liu called on those who were unhappy about their pictures being printed in the The Epoch Times to appeal, Sui went to Liu's office and was received by Liu. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70053"/></a>
Sui Zhijie was arrested for attacking police in the 109th Precinct. On June 30, when New York councilmember John Liu called on those who were unhappy about their pictures being printed in the The Epoch Times to appeal, Sui went to Liu's office and was received by Liu. (The Epoch Times)

FLUSHING, New York City—Harassment and attacks targeting Falun Gong practitioners in Flushing have lasted for nearly two months. When the strength of the pro-communist effort appeared to be waning, media sympathetic to the Chinese communist regime presented two local politicians as providing encouragement to those involved in attacking Falun Gong.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) planned, organized and carried out a constant presence of harassment and in some cases physical attacks beginning on May 17, using as a pretense for the hostility the lie that Falun Gong practitioners had “interfered with Sichuan earthquake relief donation activities.”

<a href=""><img src="" alt="This man, who scolded and insulted Falun Gong practitioners on Flushings Main Street, went to Liu's office on June 30 to complain, while insulting Falun Gong practitioners in front of Liu's office. (The Epoch Times)" title="This man, who scolded and insulted Falun Gong practitioners on Flushings Main Street, went to Liu's office on June 30 to complain, while insulting Falun Gong practitioners in front of Liu's office. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70054"/></a>
This man, who scolded and insulted Falun Gong practitioners on Flushings Main Street, went to Liu's office on June 30 to complain, while insulting Falun Gong practitioners in front of Liu's office. (The Epoch Times)

Despite the constant presence of local police, CCP sponsored thugs persisted in insults and threats. As some of the threats escalated into violence, efforts to engage the public and officials, as well as the police and media, seemed to have an effect in mobilizing efforts to end the violence. To date, 12 people that were alleged to have engaged in violent threats and actions have been arrested.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="The female, who scolded and insulted Falun Gong practitioners on the street in Flushing, went to Liu's office on June 30 to complain and insulted Falun Gong practitioners in front of Liu's office. (The Epoch Times)" title="The female, who scolded and insulted Falun Gong practitioners on the street in Flushing, went to Liu's office on June 30 to complain and insulted Falun Gong practitioners in front of Liu's office. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70055"/></a>
The female, who scolded and insulted Falun Gong practitioners on the street in Flushing, went to Liu's office on June 30 to complain and insulted Falun Gong practitioners in front of Liu's office. (The Epoch Times)

Recently, though, pro-Chinese regime media suddenly started publishing articles featuring two local politicians—Queens’ Councilman John Liu and New York State Assemblywoman Ellen Young.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Victor Yau (also known as Qiu Wei,) has been charged with a hate crime by the Brooklyn District Attorney for attacking Falun Gong practitioner John Yu with a steering-wheel locking device. The photo shows Yau on a Flushing street wearing a vest with words insulting Falun Gong. Yau also went to Liu's office to file his complaint. (The Epoch Times)" title="Victor Yau (also known as Qiu Wei,) has been charged with a hate crime by the Brooklyn District Attorney for attacking Falun Gong practitioner John Yu with a steering-wheel locking device. The photo shows Yau on a Flushing street wearing a vest with words insulting Falun Gong. Yau also went to Liu's office to file his complaint. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70056"/></a>
Victor Yau (also known as Qiu Wei,) has been charged with a hate crime by the Brooklyn District Attorney for attacking Falun Gong practitioner John Yu with a steering-wheel locking device. The photo shows Yau on a Flushing street wearing a vest with words insulting Falun Gong. Yau also went to Liu's office to file his complaint. (The Epoch Times)

In the June 28 edition of the local edition of the Chinese-language newspaper Qiao Bao (known in English as China Press ), appeared an article entitled “Ellen Young: No Permit for Assemblies in Downtown Will Be Granted.” The article included two associated photos.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="A picture in the June 28 issue of China Press. Ellen Young (the third from left) and pro-communist thugs. The one wearing glasses (the second on the left) is very active on the streets of Flushing. He has insulted Falun Gong practitioners on many occasions (The Epoch Times)" title="A picture in the June 28 issue of China Press. Ellen Young (the third from left) and pro-communist thugs. The one wearing glasses (the second on the left) is very active on the streets of Flushing. He has insulted Falun Gong practitioners on many occasions (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70057"/></a>
A picture in the June 28 issue of China Press. Ellen Young (the third from left) and pro-communist thugs. The one wearing glasses (the second on the left) is very active on the streets of Flushing. He has insulted Falun Gong practitioners on many occasions (The Epoch Times)

The article claims that Young and Liu had reached an agreement with the NYPD Precinct 109 not to grant assembly permits in downtown Flushing, because “Flushing residents complained that a certain practice group [Falun Gong] had disturbed people.”

<a href=""><img src="" alt="The man wearing glasses in the middle is the one mentioned in the previous photo. (The Epoch Times)" title="The man wearing glasses in the middle is the one mentioned in the previous photo. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70058"/></a>
The man wearing glasses in the middle is the one mentioned in the previous photo. (The Epoch Times)

The Epoch Times contacted the NYPD Precinct 109. A spokesperson denied the existence of such an agreement and stated that it was not possible on the basis of an agreement with a politician to make a determination about whether to grant a permit to assemble.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="John Liu at Flushing Library on May 20. (The Epoch Times)" title="John Liu at Flushing Library on May 20. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-70059"/></a>
John Liu at Flushing Library on May 20. (The Epoch Times)

In an unusual move for a NYC councilman, John Liu in a pro-Chinese regime Chinese-language newspaper welcomed those whose pictures had been printed in The Epoch Times as alleged attackers to come file their “complaints” with him.

Pro-communist Chinese newspapers also published photos showing both politicians with thugs whose photos had been printed by The Epoch Times .

According to pro-communist Chinese media, both politicians criticized The Epoch Times for printing photos of the thugs.

Both politicians would rather not address the issue that Falun Gong practitioners have been beaten up, insulted, and besieged for eight weeks on the streets of Flushing—in a meeting in her office on July 3, Young refused to condemn the violence. After June 2, Falun Gong practitioners requested 8 times to meet with Liu and were ignored, until finally on July 2 he did accept one meeting with them.

In that meeting, Liu claimed that he did not have a complete picture about the incidents in Flushing. Liu was present, though, on May 20 when thugs attacked Falun Gong practitioners.