First Solo Woman Skier Crosses Antarctica

A British national became the first woman to ski by herself across Antarctica and the first to ski across the icy continent using her own muscle power.
First Solo Woman Skier Crosses Antarctica

A British national became the first woman to ski by herself across Antarctica and the first to ski across the icy continent using her own muscle power.

“After 1,744km [1,084 miles] and 59 days I arrived at Hercules Inlet on the Ronne Ice Shelf and completed my crossing of Antarctica,” Felicity Aston said via her Twitter account on Monday.

She added later that she woke “to the wonderful realization that I don’t have to jump out of my sleeping bag and rush over the horizon today.”

On Monday, she was still by herself in her tent, waiting for a small plane to come pick her up.

Aston began her skiing journey from Leverett Glacier on Nov. 25, 2011. Throughout the entire trip, she pulled two sleds with her food, tents, and other supplies. 

“Foiled by bad weather yet again! No plane tonight but I have my last beef and ale stew to enjoy for my final evening alone—yum!” she said on Sunday night.

The 34-year-old adventurer had spent three years living and working on Antarctica as a meteorologist with the British Antarctic Survey, according to her website. She also led a team of women to cross the Greenland ice sheet.