Film Review: ‘Angel of Nanjing’

“Angel of Nanjing” trails Chen Si, a volunteer seeking to save people from suicide in China.

It often seems like contemporary China has kept the worst from the past and jettisoned the best. Traditional and regional cultures are increasingly marginalized, but the stigma attached to suicide remains in full force. Yet, as the government becomes ever more oligarchical and corrupt, more and more disenfranchised Chinese are committing suicide.

The Yangtze River Bridge is a popular spot for many of those final exits. Alarmed by the staggering number of suicides committed there, Chen Si started patrolling the bridge 11 years ago, hoping to stage impromptu interventions and counseling sessions. Jordan Horowitz and Frank Ferendo document the unpaid volunteer at work in “Angel of Nanjing.”

The spirit of responsibility drummed into Chen Si by his revered grandmother was clearly his formative influence.

Chen has no formal training in psychology, but he has a knack for forming fast bonds with strangers. Evidently, he is also a Yankees fan, which speaks well of his judgment.

Like many of the would-be suicidal he takes under his wing, Chen originally hailed from an impoverished village. Yet he managed to reinvent himself reasonably well in Nanjing. He has a responsible office job with a logistics firm and an indulgent family. However, he still needs that gig to provide for his wife and daughter, so his patrols are mostly confined to the weekend.

Chen Si looks for those he might help on the Yangtze River Bridge, the spot where the world's most suicides happen. (Blue Bus Productions/Balance Films)
Chen Si looks for those he might help on the Yangtze River Bridge, the spot where the world's most suicides happen. (Blue Bus Productions/Balance Films)

In less than 70 minutes, Horowitz and Ferendo give viewers a full sense of Chen’s personality. He is very much an average, somewhat schlubby guy, who just happens to have an unusually high degree of empathy.

Some of his altruistic drive comes from a sense of social and class-based solidarity, but the spirit of responsibility drummed into him by his revered grandmother was clearly his formative influence.

Horowitz and Ferendo prefer to focus on Chen and his clients, which is an understandable strategy, especially given the film’s relative brevity. As result, very little time is devoted to analyzing why suicide is so prevalent in contemporary China, and the extent to which the government is cooking the books on suicide statistics goes unremarked.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to watch “Angel” and conclude the events on the bridge are an isolated phenomenon.

Chen is an undeniably compelling figure, well worth spending time with. Clinical psychologists could probably find dozens of faults with his methods (which include pulling people off the ledge and cramming them on passing buses), but it is hard to argue with his results.

Horowitz and Ferendo also incorporate significant insights from those saved by Chen’s long term efforts, thereby humanizing them as well. Despite their obviously unfettered access, “Angel” is executed with a good deal of sensitivity.

Highly recommended for those interested in modern go-go China and the more universal mental health issues, “Angel of Nanjing” releases today (2/16) on VOD platforms, including iTunes.

Angel of Nanjing’

Director Frank FerendoJordan Horowitz

Running Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes

Release date: Feb. 26 on VOD
Rated 3.5 stars out of 5

Joe Bendel writes about independent film and lives in New York. To read his most recent articles, visit

Joe Bendel writes about independent film and lives in New York City. To read his most recent articles, visit
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