Fight Breaks Out at Hospital After CCP Virus Treatment Denied

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A man whose family member is infected with the CCP virus tried to seek treatment at a hospital. When rejected, he started a desperate fight with the hospital staff.

Hospital security forcibly took the man outside, but that was not the end of it. - Guard: Go away.

Man in the background: Stop fighting, stop fighting.

Woman in the background: Come, quick.

Woman in the background: All, restrain him.

Woman in the background: Restrain his arms. Get a hold of his arms!

Man in the background: How dare you to attack other people! - The Chinese netizen who published the video online explained that the man was turned away because the communist party is now demanding that every city report zero new infections.

Olivia Li
Olivia Li
Olivia Li is a contributor to The Epoch Times with a focus on China-related topics since 2012.
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