Expectant Mom Gets Another Big Surprise After Gender-Reveal Party Unveiling, and the Video Goes Viral

Expectant Mom Gets Another Big Surprise After Gender-Reveal Party Unveiling, and the Video Goes Viral
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
A joyous gender-reveal party turned into much more than expected for one mom-to-be when after learning whether she was having a boy or a girl, she got a second, even bigger surprise. Mom would lift her shirt to see her unborn baby’s gender revealed in paint, pink or blue, on her baby bump. Yet, there was more in store for the couple that day.
The event unfolded with the couple’s families and friends, was caught on camera, and was later shared on YouTube, where thousands of people have since rejoiced in the couple’s epic double reveal.

It began with a scavenger hunt for the couple’s little boy, so as to make him feel included, for it can be tough for a child when a new sibling comes along. Written clues directed the boy to a Big Lots home-furnishing store, where more clues led them to Grandma’s house.

In a refreshing reversal of roles, Dad wore a “Team Pink” T-shirt, and both the expectant mom and their young son wore “Team Blue.”

At Grandma’s house, they were met with a flurry of activity: games, balloons, music, and food—all before Mom was soon whisked away to be blindfolded for the big moment of truth.

The gender would be revealed in either blue or pink paint on Mom’s belly button, and guests were ushered outside for the reveal—in particular, however, Dad paid special attention to making sure he stood right in front of Mom when her blindfold was removed, for he had a second surprise to deliver.

Then, in an epic, double reveal, Mom’s sight was uncovered, and she lifted her shirt to learn the gender of her baby: Blue! a boy! and at the same moment, Dad dropped to one knee with a ring in hand to ask the most important question of his life so far: “Will you marry me?”

The overwhelmed expectant mom dropped to the ground in floods of tears. Whether or not she had the composure to say it, the answer was yes.

“Will you marry me today?” the groom added. Stunned, overwhelmed, and overcome with emotion, the bride accepted all over again.

Amazingly, the wedding, the pastor, the cake, and even the all-important dress had already been taken care of. The bride had chosen her wedding gown without even knowing it by accompanying her friends who were modeling in a bridal show and commenting on the gowns they wore.

It had all been a cunning charade!

At the end of the day, when asked how she felt, the blushing bride replied: “Overwhelmed a little, but excited and happy.”

“How nervous were you?” the camerawoman asked, panning her lens across to film the groom. “Oh,” he replied, “you have no clue! I had to keep it simple because I knew she was going to go out there and cry.”

“All of this is amazing,” the bride gushed, looking at her new husband with tears in her eyes.

“I'd do anything for you,” he answered.