Europe to Strengthen Policy on Security and Defense

The European Union has to strengthen its strategic autonomy and pursue a strong and effective foreign policy.
Europe to Strengthen Policy on Security and Defense
The European Union has to strengthen its strategic autonomy and pursue a strong and effective foreign policy, and security and defense policy, the European Parliament decided on Thursday in Strasbourg.

According to the deputies, strengthening these measures is necessary now that the Lisbon Treaty has come into force, said a parliamentary press release. Parliament must now be consulted before any missions are launched within the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP).

Members of the European Parliament (MEP) expressed concern about the consequences of underfunding and its impact on the Union’s ability to maintain a “credible and proactive” foreign policy. They stressed the need for the European Union to have the necessary funds to meet “unforeseen global challenges.”

European lawmakers adopted agreements on the need for increased strategic autonomy of the Union based on two reports prepared by the chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense, Arnaud Danjean from France.

MEPs supported the establishment of a Council of Defense within the Foreign Affairs Council and a permanent operations center under the leadership of the EU high representative for foreign policy.

Deputies believe that the new version of the U.S. sponsored missile shield to be placed on European soil should “take into account the common approach of European countries to protect Europe from the threat of ballistic missiles.” The plan should be developed on the basis of dialogue at continental level, said the press release.

With regard to Iran and North Korea, the Parliament expressed the EU’s commitment to “use all available tools to prevent, hinder, stop, and possibly eliminate nuclear weapons’ programs” in the two countries.

The adopted reports also call for better intelligence to be provided to EU military teams, including a new system of marine observation and the creation of a European air transport fleet using a new generation of satellites for its MUSIS monitoring program. MEPs also urged “rapid progress” on improving the speed of deployment of CSDP missions and EU forces.
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