‘Eco-Jobs’ of the Twenty-First Century

Careers that specialize in eco-friendliness or environment awareness will most likely be a growing trend.
‘Eco-Jobs’ of the Twenty-First Century
A technician checks the panels of a solar power system. Green energy technicians will be in demand as alternative energy is replaces fossil fuels. (Michael Urban/AFP/Getty Images)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/sool86153929.jpg" alt="A technician checks the panels of a solar power system. Green energy technicians will be in demand as alternative energy is replaces fossil fuels. (Michael Urban/AFP/Getty Images)" title="A technician checks the panels of a solar power system. Green energy technicians will be in demand as alternative energy is replaces fossil fuels. (Michael Urban/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828098"/></a>
A technician checks the panels of a solar power system. Green energy technicians will be in demand as alternative energy is replaces fossil fuels. (Michael Urban/AFP/Getty Images)
In this time of economic hardship, whether you’ve been hit hard recently or not, you’ve probably given thought to different ways of saving money and/or trying to better guarantee your job security. With environmental friendliness being an issue that our world will inevitably have to pay attention to, more careers in areas that specialize in eco-friendliness or environment awareness will most likely be a growing trend.

So what are some of the “green jobs” that we may start to see more of down the line? The following are a few likely areas that may be great opportunities for anyone who can’t decide on a career choice or for someone who is seeking to better secure his/her future.


As the demand for organic farming is on the increase, a need for individuals who are willing to learn the trade of operating small scale farms and running a family (small group) business as opposed to corporate farming, grows along with it.

Energy-efficient construction workers:

In the construction and building industry, there is huge trend moving toward things such as solar-panel installation. New materials are being used for insulation, plumbing and lighting in homes and offices that will require people who are knowledgeable in the methods of installation of these materials. This also includes energy-efficient heating and cooling and the building materials and/or machinery associated with it.


With so many consumable materials out there filling up our landfills, the need to reduce, reuse, and recycle becomes ever more important. Many urban areas in the U.S. already have outlets and facilities for recycling paper, glass, plastic, and many metals. Jobs in the areas of research, development, and implementation of recycling methods will definitely be something we see more of and seen done to a greater extent.

Green engineering and planning:

Project development in the areas of city planning and urban development will become much more of need as local areas begin to consider ways to reduce energy consumption, reduce wastefulness, promote usage of mass-transit and more eco-friendly ways to travel, overall energy efficiency and pollution reduction.

Green Businessmen and Technicians

Any field will, of course, require there to be people who know the legal and business side of these things. Therefore, when college students these days major in business and economics a new specialization in environmentalism may become a common option.

In the field of technology, there, will be those who not only develop machines that operate more efficiently, but also those who develop software systems to monitor and measure the energy efficiency of any hardware being used, to ensure optimum energy efficient performance.

Finally, with the future being uncertain, there are few guarantees in life. One thing that can be guaranteed is that with the need to focus on how our everyday life affects the planet grows, so will grow the number of environmentally friendly occupations, or “eco-jobs.”

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