Country-loving Kid Takes ‘The Git Up Challenge,’ Goes Viral With His Smooth Dance Moves

Country-loving Kid Takes ‘The Git Up Challenge,’ Goes Viral With His Smooth Dance Moves
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A young boy with a cowboy hat, a pair of sunglasses, and dance moves to rival the stars has become a viral sensation after taking part in an online dance challenge.

In the summer of 2019, “The Git Up Challenge” kicked into high gear after American singer-songwriter Blanco Brown released his hip-hop/country fusion (seriously) single “The Git Up.” Brown’s is a battle cry for music lovers to showcase their very best dance moves, and people have been responding by the thousands.

When one young boy decided to go solo, however, he took the internet by storm. Jackson Smoak’s smooth moves are among the best in show.

In video footage that Jackson’s mom, Kayce Dawson Smoak, later uploaded to YouTube, Jackson starts out mouthing the lyrics to the song. Nodding along to the rhythm, he then launches into a series of carefully choreographed, expertly executed dance moves.

At one point, Jackson throws his sunglasses “offstage” before tipping his hat to his “audience,” breaking into a momentary grin to show just how much fun he’s having.

The young dancer follows every single one of Blanco Brown’s dance directions: he spins, he dips, he rolls his shoulders, he even does his best “cowboy boogie,” ultimately dancing for a full 2 minutes and 35 seconds without missing a beat.

As of December 2019, the young dancer’s Git Up Challenge submission has millions of views from an appreciative online community of line-dancing fans.

“Jackson, you got too much swag for someone that young,” one person commented on YouTube.

“He’s got some moves! I like how he tossed his sunglasses and hat to the side,” wrote another.

“At that moment he was like, ‘Ok, now it’s time to show ya'll how I really groove,’” they added. “Very good job with this challenge!”

Jackson’s mom was so bowled over by public response to her son’s solo dancing that she took to Facebook: “Cannot believe that something we filmed for fun this summer now has over 5 million views,” Kayce wrote.

“Dancing in his Big Daddy’s cowboy hat,” she added, “and bringing joy to everyone around the world!”

It seems that Jackson got a taste for viral infamy. On Dec. 8, 2019, Kayce uploaded another video of her twinkle-toed son busting his Git Up moves in a very special “Wedding Edition,” this time dressed in a crisp white shirt, waistcoat, and bow tie at a wedding party.

Jackson’s fan base is growing; one viewer even commented that the young dancer might just end up on “Dancing with the Stars.”

Jackson has brought joy and awe to viewers around the world, but he is not the only kid to have embraced the Git Up Challenge. In August 2019, Cincinnati’s Sycamore Schools posted their own submission, proving they can get down with the best of ‘em.

According to Fox 19, district officials explained that their video features all seven schools in the Cincinnati district and includes students, staff, and even school officers. The video is shot in backyards, football fields, school halls, gym halls, and even on a school bus.

The #GitUpChallenge hashtag continues to trend on Twitter and Instagram, featuring hundreds of videos of people doing the dance in groups. Some, like smooth mover Jackson Smoak, bravely go it alone.

One thing is for sure: the world is leaving age, race, gender, and even sometimes dancing ability at the door when it comes to Blanco Brown’s “Git Up Challenge.” The results are making millions of people all around the world knee-slap-happy.