Contractor Workers of Foxconn Group Did Not Receive Promised Bonuses

Olivia Li

Location: Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

Yuzhan Precision Technology, a subsidiary of Foxconn Group in Shenzhen, promised to give its employees a bonus if they returned to work. Workers would be paid an additional 60 yuan ($8.50) per day as a bonus. In addition, employees who did not go home during the Chinese New Year would each receive a bonus of 700 yuan ($99).

Most workers had no income when many companies were shut down to curb the spread of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus. In order to get by, thousands of Yuzhan’s contractors returned to work despite the risk of being infected by the CCP virus. But they found out that the company broke its promise of giving out bonuses.

On March 17, these workers went to Labor Personnel Disputed Mediation Center in Longhua Residential District, to seek justice for themselves. In a short while, many police rushed to the center, getting ready to suppress these workers to “maintain social stability.” - Police: Disperse the crowd.

Police: Get down there. Do not stand here blocking the road. Go down. Go down.

- The Epoch Times refers to the new coronavirus as the CCP virus. The Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic. The virus started in China last year before spreading around the world.