Commemorating Tiananmen Victims, Hong Kong Rallies Against Political Oppression

About 2,500 took part in the parade on May 30 commemorating the 21st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Commemorating Tiananmen Victims, Hong Kong Rallies Against Political Oppression
A rally was held in Hong Kong on May 30 to commenrate the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre. (Li Ming/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="A rally was held in Hong Kong on May 30 to commenrate the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre. (Li Ming/The Epoch Times)" title="A rally was held in Hong Kong on May 30 to commenrate the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre. (Li Ming/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1819173"/></a>
A rally was held in Hong Kong on May 30 to commenrate the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre. (Li Ming/The Epoch Times)
HONG KONG—About 2,500 took part in the two-hour parade on May 30 commemorating the 21st anniversary of the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre. The parade was organized by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China (the “Alliance”).

Richard Tsoi, vice chairman of the Alliance, said in his speech: “The CCP has never admitted any to any wrong doing in the past. Today, in order to strengthen its dictatorship and protect the special interests of a small group of privilege, the CCP is carrying out violent persecution against those who hold differing opinions and against democratic activists. It is simply despicable that the CCP continuously silences the general public through violence.”

After the parade, about 80 young people gathered outside the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government to demand an investigation into the June 4th massacre. One female protestor burned a CCP flag outside the building. Police forces quickly moved in and put out the fire.

Another group of protesters placed a coffin outside the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and paid silent tribute to the victims of the June 4th massacre.

Police Confiscate the Second Statue

Meanwhile, members of the Alliance brought the 8-foot tall “Goddess of Democracy” statue to Times Square. However, agents from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and heavy police forces rushed to the scene and demanded the removal of the statue, again claiming that placing the statue on the Square violates the Regulations on Management of Entertainment Venues. After the request was rejected, some protestors laid on the ground to stop the police car carrying the statue from leaving the scene. Lee Cheuk-yan and Leung Kwok Wah, the vice chairman and the standing committee member of the Alliance were arrested on charges of obstructing police. Lee and Leung were released on 100 HKD (approximately US$13) bail the next morning due to the effort of supporters including Leung Kwok-hung, representative of the Legislative Council.

This year’s oppression of the June 4th events is the worst in the past 21 years in Hong Kong, with the Hong Kong police confiscating two replicas of the iconic “Goddess of Democracy.”

This latest oppression has not only angered the general public, but also united the pro-democratic fronts. The Alliance, the League of Social Democrats (LSD), and the Democratic Party jointly requested that police return the confiscated items by Thursday night. Moreover, the Democratic Party is considering suing the government based upon a prior successful suit brought against the Hong Kong government by Falun Gong practitioners.

Read the original Chinese article