Clinton Addresses the Media After Long Void of Press Conferences

Clinton Addresses the Media After Long Void of Press Conferences
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to members of the media on her campaign plane while traveling to Quad Cities International Airport in Moline, Ill., Monday, Sept. 5, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Members of the traveling press board democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's new campaign plane at Westchester County Airport on Sept. 5, 2016. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Members of the traveling press board democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's new campaign plane at Westchester County Airport on Sept. 5, 2016. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

A Press Conference or Not?

The issue came to a head last month when Clinton’s campaign suggested she had given a press conference when she spoke to a select group of journalists at a joint gathering of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ).

Lisa Lerer, national politics reporter for The Associated Press, wrote in a tweet at the time, “I would not exactly call a couple Qs from pre-selected journalists a press conference.”

In an interview with “CBS This Morning,” Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, said he believed the NABJ-NAHJ appearance was a press conference.

“I don’t see what the massive difference is between a press conference and talking to the press everywhere you go,” he said. “She talks to the press a lot. And I’ve been with her when she has talked to the press.”

According to a count by NBC News, Trump has given 17 press conferences so far this year, excluding impromptu gaggles.

Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton boards her campaign plane in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sept. 5, 2016. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton boards her campaign plane in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sept. 5, 2016. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)


Confidants of the Democratic candidate told Politico in August that the Clinton team aims to “run out the clock” and “ride out” negative reactions to newly released emails that show Clinton Foundation staff set up State Department meetings for foundation donors while Clinton was in office.

“It’s a plausible strategy to win,” said Justin Holmes, assistant professor of political science at University of Northern Iowa.

He says that unlike Trump, who talks his way through his troubles, Clinton is a more disciplined communicator and should be able to address issues and move on.

“By not addressing them, though, they seem to percolate. It would appear that she is banking on the electorate being pretty polarized and mostly having their minds made up already,” said Holmes.

“Clinton has been in the spotlight for 25 years now, and most people have made up their minds,” he added.

James Campbell, distinguished professor of political science at the SUNY University at Buffalo and author of the book “Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America,” due to be released this fall, said Clinton has to be more cautious. She cannot afford to make any gaffes like the “short-circuited” comment she made when talking about the FBI investigation, he said, and she must appear dignified while campaigning, not controversial.

Campbell also said she should avoid making news.

“In general, if you’re doing pretty well, if you’re comfortably ahead, that is kind of an indication of ‘keep doing what you’re doing,’” said Holmes.