Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao to Visit UK

Wen Jiabao, the Chinese regime’s second-in-command, is to visit the UK as part of an official visit to Europe.
Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao to Visit UK

Wen Jiabao, the Chinese regime’s second-in-command, is to visit the UK as part of an official visit to Europe.

Wen is to arrive in Hungary on June 24th where he will meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Viktor before travelling to the UK. It is understood he will arrive in the West Midlands on June 25th for several unspecified engagements, travel to London on the 26th, and meet with David Cameron at 10 Downing Street on the morning of the 27th. Wen is also to visit the Olympic Park.

On June 28th, Wen will travel to Germany were he will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen told The Epoch Times: “David Cameron is meeting Wen Jiabao at a time when the Chinese authorities are cracking down with increased ferocity on those who voice dissent. Over 100 activists, bloggers, and lawyers have been detained, harassed, put under house arrest, or criminally prosecuted. Some have simply disappeared.

“Against this draconian backdrop, the UK prime minister must be outspoken about human rights and make it a key focus of the meeting. He must press the Chinese premier to take action to halt this latest wave of repression.”

NGO Free Tibet plan to hold a public protest during the visit. Stephanie Brigden, director of Free Tibet, said: “The Arab Uprising brought Britain’s complicity with one repressive regime – Libya – to light, shaming the government and leading the prime minister to pledge that Britain need no longer choose between our ‘interests and our values’.

“It is time to put human rights in Tibet and China on at least an equal footing with trade considerations, in line with British public opinion and British national interest, rather than banishing human rights concerns to backroom dialogues hidden from the British, Chinese, and Tibetan public as they currently are.”

The Chinese spiritual practice of Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, has been heavily persecuted by the Chinese regime since 1999. Wei Liu, director of the Falun Dafa Association UK, said: “Wen Jiabao has visited the UK many times in the last 12 years. Every time our message is the same: ‘stop the persecution of Falun Gong’. Wen can use his power to help those Falun Gong practitioners who are being tortured in China, stop their pain, and stop the killing. We won’t stop until the persecution ends, and we call on Wen Jiabao to do what he can to help.”

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