Chinese officials forced an eight-month pregnant woman, from Honghu in Hubei Province, into induced labor. The officials took the fetus and removed the woman’s reproductive organs in 2008, according to a Chinese human rights website. The incident caused the woman to become jobless, divorced, and confined to a wheelchair.
Recently, newspapers widely reported on the forced abortion of a seven-month fetus. The incident prompted huge public outcry and placed China’s family planning bureau and one-child policy under heavy controversy.
In a previously unreported incident occurring in 2008, an eight-month pregnant woman named Zhang Wenfang suffered a worse fate, according to human rights website On May 23, 2008, local official Du Xingbang and his team, from the Honghu Birth Control office, forcefully took Zhang from her home to the birth control office. Du then attempted to force Zhang into induced labor. Zhang begged Du to stop because she knew the fetus was positioned sideways, which would make an induced labor difficult to carry out.
Unconvinced, Du took Zhang to a local hospital, where doctors confirmed the fetus was positioned sideways. Despite knowing the position of the fetus, Du forcefully took Zhang back to his birth control office and ordered four people to watch her, says the human rights website. Another official signed a document to authorize the induced labor. Six staff members then gave Zhang a shot of oxytocin to induce labor. The next day, May 24, they gave her a second shot, which successfully started the contractions.
The staff injected Zhang one more time in the afternoon of May 25. Zhang lost consciousness and was taken to the Honghu People’s Hospital for an operation. On May 26, she regained consciousness in the hospital, finding her mother and husband by her side.
Zhang’s husband found out through a friend that Zhang had been taken to the hospital. When he tried to raise the matter with local authorities, they beat and interrogated him. The officials demanded to know who had told him about the incident.
Zhang later attempted to search for her child, but to no avail. Months after the operation, another hospital told Zhang her reproductive organs had been removed. As a result of the operation, Zhang has suffered from swollen kidneys, hair and teeth loss, and other medical problems. She is now confined to a wheelchair.
Zhang’s husband left a few months after the incident. Zhang’s parents now provide for her, as she is unable to work. In spite of all the harm inflicted upon Zhang, she was constantly followed by local authorities and stopped wherever she went. When she spoke to the deputy mayor of Honghu about her problems, he told her, “Your parents have the obligation to take care of you for the rest of your life.”
Read the original Chinese article.
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