Chinese Communist Party Tries to Frame Attorney Gao Zhisheng with Money and Sex

Chinese Communist Party Tries to Frame Attorney Gao Zhisheng with Money and Sex
Gao Zhisheng, a high-profile human and civil rights lawyer who recently urged Chinese leaders to end their persecution of Falun Gong, officially declares his resignation from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). (Verna Yu/AFP)

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities been harassing and threatening renowned Beijing human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng ever since he started defending Falun Gong practitioners in 2004. Gao stood up to the pressure from the CCP and sent three open letters on behalf of Falun Gong to the CCP’s highest authorities in December 2004 and in October and December 2005.

In his investigative reports, Gao brought to light the severe and tragic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In response, the CCP escalated its suppression and forced Gao to close his law office in November 2005. This act aroused international concern, and Gao’s story has appeared in news media around the world.

According to those familiar with the situation, the CCP started a thorough investigation of Gao, even tracing his family back three generations. Recently some of those who are close to Gao were secretly picked up for questioning by the Beijing Public Safety Department, but the authorities were unable to find any grounds for a formal investigation. Next, the authorities tried various means to frame Gao.

Gao received calls from a stranger who expressed support for him and asked him to take a case that was worth tens of millions of yuan. The caller said that the client did not require a receipt. Gao rejected the case. As he was about to hang, he heard laughter on the other end of the phone and someone saying, “He did not fall for it.” Gao realized it had been a set-up.

Gao also received some strange messages on his mobile phone. A woman who claimed to be a college student sent Gao a short text message saying that she had grown up among corrupt officials and fully supports Gao and his cause. She also said that many praised her beauty and she hoped to keep Gao company for many long nights.

Gao could not help laughing at this message. Gao said that recently he has been receiving such calls. However, they have no effect on his wife. “My wife and I trust each other very much. If there were no such trust, how could we be husband and wife?”

Epoch Times columnist Gong Ping said that the CCP suppresses dissidents in shameless ways. In order to avoid negative public opinion and international condemnation, the CCP often tries to frame dissidents with carefully designed traps involving prostitution, tax evasion, drug smuggling, or disturbing public order and then arrests them on civil or criminal offenses. Attorney Yang Zaixin from Guangxi Province and Liu Shui, a freelance writer from Shenzhen, were both arrested for accepting a solicitation from a prostitute.

Gong Ping said, “Attorney Gao spoke up for Falun Gong practitioners who are currently brutally persecuted. He is extraordinary. The CCP’s suppression of Gao is in reality a suppression of the voice of the just; it is a blockade of truth... Attorney Gao’s noble personality is well known. If the CCP tries to frame Gao, it will be shooting itself in the foot.” Gong called on the international community to support attorney Gao.

Read more about Gao Zhisheng:
Celebrated Chinese Lawyer Quits Chinese Communist Party
Ph. D. from Chinese Academy of Science Expresses Support for Gao Zhisheng
International Advocates for Justice Issue Support for Gao Zhisheng
They Say I’m a Fake—They Are Just Afraid
Gao Zhisheng’s Law Firm Faces Permanent Closure
Why One of China’s Top Attorneys Broke with the Communist Party
Gao Zhisheng Sends Another Open Letter Protesting Unjust Treatment
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