Chinese State TV Labels Google as Porn Search Engine

CCTV, has recently accused Google of being a porn search engine and has provided some facts to support this position; however...
Chinese State TV Labels Google as Porn Search Engine
<a href=""><img src="" alt="The volume of porn keywords used in Google to search 'son' came solely from Beijing.  (" title="The volume of porn keywords used in Google to search 'son' came solely from Beijing.  (" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-88290"/></a>
The volume of porn keywords used in Google to search 'son' came solely from Beijing.  (

The Chinese regime’s mouthpiece, CCTV, has recently accused Google of being a porn search engine and has provided some facts to support this position. Some Chinese bloggers, however, claim that such facts are fabricated by the regime with the underlying intention to support the mandatory installation of its new keywords filtering software, Green Dam-Youth Escort, staring from July 1.

The June 18 Chinese Central TV (CCTV) program “In Focus” said links to porn sites were provided by Google even when searching with keywords such as “son” in Chinese. The regime’s Internet Illegal Information Reporting Center has strongly condemned and has called for necessary action to “purify the Internet”

Some Chinese blogger refute this conclusion. According to an online article from mainland China,  an Internet traffic analyzer claims that one week before the CCTV program, Google’s keywords suggestion feature was used to perform an enormous amount of search with porn-related vocabularies; the single day search for porn phrases on Google increased 5950 percent compared to a year ago. The volume of searches with porn phrases was also several thousand times higher than the previous month. 

Google’s keyword suggestion comes from computers compiling the most recent popular keyword searched on Google. The analyst also shows that such search request all came from Beijing.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="CCTV aired a program to condemn Google shortly after the search volume of porn keywords on Google skyrocketed. The picture shows the statistic in the past year.  (" title="CCTV aired a program to condemn Google shortly after the search volume of porn keywords on Google skyrocketed. The picture shows the statistic in the past year.  (" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-88291"/></a>
CCTV aired a program to condemn Google shortly after the search volume of porn keywords on Google skyrocketed. The picture shows the statistic in the past year.  (
The CCTV program also invited a college student named Gao Ye to testify how Google search links to porn websites. Gao accused these websites of making his classmates ‘restless.’ However, Chinese bloggers found out Gao was an intern working at CCTV at the time after a “human flesh” search, which means tens of thousands Internet users use their personal relationship to find out a person’s identity and share any clues on the Internet.

Many large scale protests broke out in China in the year of 2009. In June alone, six cases of large scale unrest took place in China, the largest one involving over 10,000 protestors. During the protests, dozens of police cars were damaged, and a local cadre was beaten to death. Though the regime tried to block the information by all means, many pictures and articles still got out through Internet.

An article on overseas Chinese news site says that in a recent Political Bureau meeting in Beijing, supervisors in the regime’s propaganda departments were heavily criticized for the lack of monitoring and managing the Internet.

It is said that Beijing has ordered all internet servers in China to install the “Green Dam” filtering software.

Read the original Chinese article


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