CCP Tries to Fight Fast-Spreading ‘Quit CCP’ Messages on Currency

The poster also warned: “Whoever intentionally destroys currency purposely will receive a warning from the police and be fined up to 10,000 yuan (US $1,250).”
CCP Tries to Fight Fast-Spreading ‘Quit CCP’ Messages on Currency

A letter from a group of mainland Chinese readers to Epoch Times revealed that the Shanghai Branch of The People’s’ Bank of China recently hanged posters in residential areas that read: “Prohibition of intentionally destroying or scribbling on national currency, forbidding scribbling on currency.”

The letter points out that this was the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s desperate and weak countermeasure against Chinese people spreading the messages of withdrawing from the CCP by writing “Nine Commentaries” and “The Three Withdrawals” on national currency. 

Gao Dawei, head of The Global Service Center of Quitting CCP, said that this is the first time he has ever heard of any bank placing posters in public places and propagandizing stipulations. Gao believes that the CCP is afraid of people using national currency to spread information about quitting the CCP, and it is too scared to confront citizens and tell the truth.

On the posters it also stated that, “protecting the currency is commended, while destroying the currency is illegal” and “financial institutions which handle savings and withdrawal services should replace the damaged or spoiled currency for free.” 

The letter says the posters did not mention what was written on the currency, fearing it would spark curiosity in people who did not know what was going on, or bring ridicule from those who did. 

The poster also warned: “Whoever intentionally destroys currency purposely will receive a warning from the police and be fined up to 10,000 yuan (US $1,250).”

Spreading ‘The Three Withdrawals’ on Currency

Over 12.5 million Chinese people have thus far quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. The main method used for withdrawing from the Party is to publish a resignation statement on the Epoch Times website. Many people also paste their announcements on public bulletin boards, bus station boards, and electricity poles. The aforementioned methods are used to circumnavigate the Internet blockade used by the CCP which prevents a great number of people from publishing their resignation statements online.

The Shanghai Branch of The People's Bank of China recently hanged up posters in residential areas that read, "Prohibition of intentionally destroying or scribbling on national currency." (Submitted by a reader)
The Shanghai Branch of The People's Bank of China recently hanged up posters in residential areas that read, "Prohibition of intentionally destroying or scribbling on national currency." (Submitted by a reader)

Since last October, many more people have begun to write their resignation statements on currency. They often leave messages like, “Heaven is eliminating the CCP,” “Quit the CCP to save yourself” and “Spread the Nine Commentaries and quit the CCP quickly.” Money has become one of the major channels for spreading the news of the “the Nine Commentaries” and “The Three withdrawals.” 

Slogans are usually written on one or two yuan bills. People buy bus tickets with them through the automatic ticket machines in many cities. These are also the most common bills used in supermarkets. Writing CCP resignation statements on money is thought to be safe and effective because it circulates quickly and is thus able to have a very wide influence. 

Stopping Written Currency Flows Under the Excuse of Counterfeit Money

According to a source in mainland China, the CCP is using more desperate means to stop the spread of money with CCP-quitting slogans written on it. There are banners at the entrances of some banks announcing, “To fight against the counterfeit bills is everyone’s responsibility.” There are also signs found in many stores that read, “Counterfeit currency will be confiscated and the police will be notified.” 

The Chinese public has never seen such a huge effort to fight against counterfeit money. Historically, such a movement has never before taken place on such a large scale. Many know that it is all aimed at minimizing the spread of the CCP resignation messages.

On April 22, seventeen universities which specialize in foreign language and trade held a joint recruitment conference with prospective students and their parents, who had to buy the various universities brochures. The universities refused to take large bills, accepting only small bills less than 10 yuan. In addition to the usual campus security guards there were six well-trained police officers who were patrolling among the crowd as well.

An insider said that the police appeared to be there in order to monitor and prevent the exchange of counterfeit bills. Upon further investigation, however, it was revealed that their true purpose was to stop the transmission of money with messages about quitting the CCP.

A New Media Form

Gao Dawei says that the feedback from mainland China indicates that more and more people are using money that have “Quit the CCP” written on it.

He added that people take the circulation of currency for granted. It exchanges hands rapidly, involves a large number of people, and thus circulates very fast. The impact can therefore be gigantic. Gao expects that money will become another major media outlet through which the message of quitting the CCP will be brought to many more Chinese people in the future.