Cardiologist Changed His Mind About COVID-19 Vaccines After Father’s Heart Attack

Cardiologist Changed His Mind About COVID-19 Vaccines After Father’s Heart Attack
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK-based cardiologist, in Dallas on Nov. 29, 2022. The Epoch Times
Jan Jekielek
Masooma Haq
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a highly published cardiologist, strives to give his patients the most accurate information about the risks and benefits of any treatment, what he calls “ethical, evidence-based medical practice.” And although he initially thought the mRNA vaccines were safe and effective, he said that after his father’s cardiac arrest in 2021, he realized he needed to dig into vaccine safety and efficacy data.
“Once I had spent time critically analyzing the data on the COVID-19, vaccines, it became very clear to me that the efficacy of this particular novel technology, if you like—the mRNA products—was very, very poor, certainly in comparison to traditional vaccines, and the harms were unprecedented,” Malhotra said during a Dec. 10 interview for EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.
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Malhotra details the harms of the mRNA vaccines in a two-part paper, in which he concludes that the mRNA vaccines should be suspended, at least until the medical community studies the true risks and injuries.

This is a 180-degree shift for Malhotra, who himself received two doses of the mRNA vaccine “under, clearly at that time, a false belief [that] I was going to protect my patients,” he said. Malhotra also publicly encouraged others to get the vaccines. He did this because of his belief that traditional vaccines are some of the safest pharmacological interventions in the history of medicine, he said.

However, after the sudden death of his father, Malhotra said he found new evidence that prompted him to reevaluate his position on the mRNA vaccines, realizing that this new technology was not having the intended effects.

“As the evidence changed, I then had to change my view and my opinion,” he said.

Malhotra said he does not regret taking the vaccine or promoting it, because those actions were based on the evidence he understood at the time, he said. Part of the new evidence was that after being vaccinated, his previously healthy father died suddenly from cardiac arrest.

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People gather to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and masking measures during a rally in Kingston, Ont., on Nov. 14, 2021. (The Canadian Press/Lars Hagberg)
People gather to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and masking measures during a rally in Kingston, Ont., on Nov. 14, 2021. The Canadian Press/Lars Hagberg

The Public Was Lied To

The public was led to believe the vaccines would stop transmission of the virus or prevent a person from getting infected with COVID-19, he said.

“People weren’t told the information in a truthful way at the time, and it did not evolve with time,” said Malhotra.

Regulatory agencies in the United States and United Kingdom, as well as the pharmaceutical industry, “knew that it was never going to have any significant effect on preventing transmission anyway, and that’s the lie that was perpetuated,” said Malhotra.

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The data from the original randomized control trial showed that 1 out of 119 people could avoid infection after getting the mRNA shot.

Another way to explain the low efficacy rate of the mRNA vaccines is that they were developed for the original “ancestral” strain of COVID-19, which constantly mutated, leaving the vaccines basically impotent, said Malhotra.

The public was not told the truth about the chances of dying from COVID-19, or the risks and benefits of taking the mRNA vaccines, he said.

For a middle-aged patient, “the data tells us that the benefit for you taking it, preventing you dying from COVID, is 1 in 2000. … The risk of a serious adverse event from the vaccine for you—disability, life-changing hospitalization—is at least 1 in 800,” said Malhotra.

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The mRNA vaccine should not have been approved based on the fact that the original randomized control trials that led to approval by the regulators revealed that people were more likely to suffer a serious adverse event from the vaccine than to be hospitalized with COVID-19, said Malhotra.

Profit Before Public Health

Malhotra said Big Pharma puts profits before safety, and that doctors, academic institutions, and medical journals collude with industry for financial gain.

There are many examples of Big Pharma sacrificing the safety of the public by selling unsafe drugs, even when the industry knows the product causes a high rate of death or disability, said Malhotra.

“We have a word for that. It’s called fraud. They actually function like a psychopathic entity,” said Malhotra. The phrase “psychopathic entity” was coined by Dr. Robert Hare, a forensic psychologist who said these companies function with no concern for public safety and no sense of wrongdoing or remorse when the public is harmed.

At the same time, most doctors don’t realize the amount of control Big Pharma exerts on the medical profession and public health, Malhotra said. On the contrary, most doctors trust the pharmaceutical companies and government regulatory and medical agencies, he said.

Mission to Spread Facts

Malhotra believes that to help people understand the “cold hard facts” about these COVID-19 vaccines and the state of public health, it’s important to communicate with empathy and remember that people have been traumatized by the mainstream pandemic narratives and images.
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“The other aspect is this phenomenon called willful blindness,” said Malhotra. This is a phenomenon where people choose to ignore the facts because they don’t want to deal with conflict and loss, such as what happened in the case of egregious situations like the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal or Nazi Germany’s holocaust, he said.

One of the reasons he analyzed the data and published his findings was to create a safe space for others in the medical community who were in a similar position.

“It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to say the information has changed. It’s okay to to talk about it,” he said. “And I think that’s the challenge we have right now.”

These experimental COVID-19 vaccines were allowed to be distributed widely because over the years, the medical system was corrupted, said Malhotra. “And the only way we’re going to overcome it and move forward constructively is if we all work together.”

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We must return to honesty, said Malhotra, and give people truthful information and allow facts to speak for themselves, because people were lied to during the pandemic.

Workers wearing protective gear are seen in the compounds of The Jade Boutique Hotel, where members of the World Health Organization team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic were due to complete their quarantine in Wuhan, China, on Jan. 28, 2021. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)
Workers wearing protective gear are seen in the compounds of The Jade Boutique Hotel, where members of the World Health Organization team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic were due to complete their quarantine in Wuhan, China, on Jan. 28, 2021. Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images

Fear Was Manipulated

“One Gallup poll revealed that 50 percent of American voters thought that their risk of being hospitalized with COVID was 50 percent—1 in 2—when it was far less than 1 percent,” said Malhotra, which he said shows how the public was manipulated by political and commercial entities.

In addition, “China convinced the world that stringent lockdowns in Wuhan contained the virus, when it never did that. It spread throughout the whole of China,” said Malhotra.

Lockdowns should not have been used to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, but they were used because those making the decisions were incompetent, said Malhotra. Commercial interests took advantage of that fear and Big Tech companies and retail companies got richer, while the average small business owner and the worker suffered harm.

“People are increasingly losing access to the truth and a capacity to act in an empathetic way,” said Malhotra.

For example, Facebook and the drug company Merck partnered and invested $20 million each to fight COVID-19 and vaccine “misinformation,” said Malhotra. In the process, they silenced those that questioned the safety of the vaccines or early treatment for COVID-19.

Various political and commercial entities allow the public to access only the information that fits their narratives and allows them to sustain the power that goes far beyond the mRNA vaccines. These mainstream entities, including medical professionals, do not prioritize free and preventative health care as the first line of defense to eliminate many chronic diseases, said Malhotra.

Diet Can Prevent Disease

Diet has a huge impact on how a person responds to infectious diseases like COVID-19, said Malhotra, who has studied heart disease and prevention. He has published papers talking about preventing and reversing 80 percent of heart disease with diet.

“The root pathophysiological underlying factor behind heart disease is something called insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, and they overlap,” said Malhotra. “Insulin resistance basically means your body becomes resistant to the hormone insulin.”

This is the cause of heart disease and the precursor to Type 2 diabetes, and if untreated it can often lead to cancer and dementia, added Malhotra.

Reversing insulin resistance can be done through a healthy low-carbohydrate diet, which can vastly improve public health and begin lowering risk factors in 4 weeks, said Malhotra. Mainstream medical and commercial interests do not promote this solution more broadly because people would not need the drugs and other profitable medical treatments.

Instead, the mainstream medical establishment pushes drugs like cholesterol-reducing statins as the best way to stop heart disease, but Malhotra disagrees with this approach. In an earlier paper, he demonstrated through peer-reviewed research that there is very little relationship between cholesterol and reducing heart attacks and strokes, he said.

Nonetheless, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are the most prescribed drugs in the world, he said.

“It’s not going to prolong their life by one day, based upon industry-sponsored research, and a best-case scenario for them in preventing a heart attack or stroke or nonfatal heart attack or stroke is 1 in 100—1 percent,” said Malhotra.

A diet with high carbohydrates, low fat, and too much sugar all contribute to these health problems, and while modern science provided clean drinking water and public safety initiatives to prolong life expectancy, there are other inexpensive and long-lasting health care strategies, like meditation, that can do a lot to improve health outcomes, said Malhotra.

Meditating slows down cell aging and increases blood circulation to the brain. (Wang Renjun/The Epoch Times)
Meditating slows down cell aging and increases blood circulation to the brain. Wang Renjun/The Epoch Times

Incorporating Ancient Wisdom

For instance, a study in India showed that 40 minutes of meditation a day can help reverse heart disease, said Malhotra. But to impact health on a large scale, laws have to change, he said, because “we currently have laws that allow industries to, in effect, kill for profit.”

There is evidence that the food industry puts addictive ingredients in foods so people want to eat more, which leads to obesity and many other common diseases, so this type of deceit by big corporations must be outlawed, he said.

“Addressing corporate power needs to be a public health priority,” he said, as well as treating mental health disorders.

“Even though we’ve advanced technologically in the last 2,500 years, we haven’t progressed psychologically, and I think in recent years, I would say ... we’re regressing psychologically.”

Malhotra believes humanity can begin to heal psychologically by returning to the principles of honesty and compassion.

Jan Jekielek is a senior editor with The Epoch Times, host of the show “American Thought Leaders.” Jan’s career has spanned academia, international human rights work, and now for almost two decades, media. He has interviewed nearly a thousand thought leaders on camera, and specializes in long-form discussions challenging the grand narratives of our time. He’s also an award-winning documentary filmmaker, producing “The Unseen Crisis,” “DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns,” and “Finding Manny.”
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