Can’t afford that luxurious Gucci bag sold at the mall? Don’t worry. If you go to China, you can get a cheap knockoff at the “Cugci Store.”

In recent years, Chinese products have become synonymous with fakes, and the variety of knockoffs, imitations, and counterfeit products is enormous—and sometimes amusing.
According to a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, from 2008 to 2010, almost three-quarters of all counterfeits seized globally came from China, some of them taking market share from the actual brands.
A lot of people buy fakes because they’re cheap. But there’s a reason why Coach bags cost $300 and a new Macbook Air costs $900—quality. Knock-offs may be cheap, but they lack the quality of actual brand name products.
And sometimes, they appear ridiculous. Here are 27 of the greatest brand name copycats.
1. Starbucks? That’s overrated. Try the refreshing and totally original Sunbucks Coffee!

2. There’s something quirky about those batteries.

3. “Wait, I forgot to add the second ‘a’! Oh well. I'll just squeeze it in now.”

4. No, it’s not okay to rip off a quality brand.

5. Uniqlo or Un!pro? Kudos though for changing the Japanese spelling to match too.

6. Is this Maoming Fried Chicken?

7. Sorry, no luxury watches here.

8. “I can’t wait to play Call of Duty on my new PolyStation!”

9. This doesn’t quite look like premium quality.

10. How did they get Buta from Puma?

11. Lee + Ugg = Lgg

12. PenesamiG batteries?

13. I can’t do it. I can’t buy a shirt that looks so ridiculous.

14. Pizza huh?

15. Fun fact: Oba means “a hereditary ruler among various peoples in the Benin region of Western Africa,” according to

16. The hippie upgrade of Apple is here!

17. Lolwut?

18. If they named their video game system X-Boy, they should have at least had the courtesy to invent an X-Girl too.

19. They must have been too lazy to add lines on their A’s.

20. Wash your clothes with the new Tids detergent!

21. Why have Baidu or Google or Yahoo by themselves, when you can have BaiGooHoo?

22. The Devil might wear Paradi.

23. “Buy me a pair of corcodile shoes.” “You mean crocs?” “No, I mean corcs.” “....okay.”

24. Will King Burger have it your way?

25. “Mom, I don’t want to do homework. I want to play World of Lordcraft!”

26. Can you spot the irregularities in this Wrlgleys Doubiemlnt Chewing Gum?

27. Nobody’s lovin' this.

Here’s an added bonus: When Nike and Adidas were depressingly slapped together. The slogan is right on.