Call to Remove Zhou Appears On Chinese Web Portal

An article with a headline that details top CCP officials demanding security czar Zhou Yongkang’s ouster appeared on a major Internet portal before it was taken down.
Call to Remove Zhou Appears On Chinese Web Portal

An article with a headline that details top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials demanding the ouster of Chinese security czar Zhou Yongkang appeared on a major Internet portal Thursday, possibly circumventing state- censorship regarding the subject for a brief time before it was taken down.

The article, titled “Zhou Yongkang visits Xinjiang while senior Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members demand his recall” was displayed as headline on the stock market section in Sohu, a top Chinese online Internet portal and a leading news company. Most Chinese get their news from such web portals.

The report first quoted news from a state mouthpiece, confirming that Zhou went to the western province of Xinjiang to take care of matters unrelated to his nominal position as the secretary of the powerful Political and Legislative Affairs Committee. While in Xinjiang, Zhou was there to “visit the local schools and veterans,” and a power plant, the report said.

It later said that 16 senior CCP members wrote a joint letter to members of the Politburo, demanding the removal of Zhou and Liu Yunshan, the head of the Central Propaganda Department.

Zhou went “against the people’s will” by supporting Bo Xilai, the former head of Chongqing and is the central figures in several scandals who was forced from power, said senior CCP member Yu Yongqing quoted in the report. Liu Yunshan was wrong, he added, because he promoted the wrong ideology.

The news of Zhou being investigated and removed from his position has been reported by foreign media. 

On Sohu, the article about Zhou’s removal was deleted shortly after it was published, but the news was circulated among Chinese netizens. Based on messages in China-based forums, rumors of the security czar being ousted from power is widespread.

Read the original Chinese article.

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