Boy Walks Over to Help Pump Gas for an Elderly Man and He Didn’t Just Stop at That

Boy Walks Over to Help Pump Gas for an Elderly Man and He Didn’t Just Stop at That
(Illustration - Nakun/Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in February 2019.
While a good school may be important for the academic success of your child, it is good parenting that turns your kids into caring, responsible adults and good citizens of society. The way a parent conducts himself or herself in the presence of their child will have a profound impact on them.
A father who shared his story on the Facebook page of Love What Matters highlights the significance of good parenting. The actions of his son on that day left him feeling absolutely proud and speechless.

As a father and his 12-year-old son were pumping gas at a fuel station, they happened to notice an elderly gentleman struggling to pump gas into his own vehicle. The boy looked at his dad, and without saying a word, jumped out of the car and walked over to assist him.

The father watched patiently as his young lad began to converse with the old man, “who handed over the pump to the boy without hesitation.”

The boy’s help didn’t stop at just that.

“He even went into the gas station to retrieve the change that he left over,” the father wrote.

That wasn’t all that happened on that day. Apparently, when the elderly gentleman decided to reward the boy with money, the youngster refused it politely and instead gave him a warm hug.

Tears of joy welled up in this proud father’s eyes, as “my son did all this on his own without any prodding from me.”

Since this heartwarming incident has been shared on Facebook, it has received an overwhelming response, racking up more than 90,000 likes and over 7,000 shares.

Facebook users began pouring in their responses.

One user wrote, “Thank you for sharing in this heartfelt story. I know you are proud of your son and you should be. God said what you do unto others you do for me. Thank you young man.”

Another wrote, “Pat yourself on the back for raising your son to be a respectful, helpful young man. Reading this brought a tear to my eyes and made me SMILE :) Love this!”

Meanwhile, one user could absolutely relate to the dad’s feeling of pride and shared about her own little one.

“My guy is only four but he’s got such a beautiful heart. He says hi to everyone when we are out and about. Alot of ppl tell me that i need to scare him about ”dangerous ppl“ but i dont see any harm in him being polite and caring.”

This story surely brings out the fact that if parents are not good to their children and do not behave well in front of them, then, in turn, the child seems to suffer from the consequences.

On the other hand, if the parent has been responsible to his or her child at every step of the way, then their children are likely to follow their example and reflect the values that have been instilled in them.

In another situation, a 9-year-old girl named Emma Goss, who was inspired by her nanna, launched her own sweet little mission to make a difference in the lives of homeless people.

The little girl set out to sell her dolls, stuffed toys, and shoes to raise funds for her mission to help these downtrodden souls.

The empathetic child’s charity sale’s first customers were none other than three police officers who used their community funds, reserved for drinks, to buy a couple of things. And that was not all—the cops bought a wicker heart decoration from Emma.

Emma was able to raise over US$540 and donated it to the Homeless Project Manchester.

Indeed, good parenting skills play an important role in a child’s development. Also, there is no deed that is big or small when it comes to random acts of kindness.

Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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