Beijing Citizen: Central Authorities Shift Responsibility


The streets of Beijing are empty. The number from the government is unreliable. Want to learn about the epidemic in Beijing? Listen to Beijing citizens’ voices. The Epoch Times’ journalist spoke to Mr. Chen in Beijing’s Changping District, who has his own unique perspective on the Chinese communist party (CCP)’s response to the outbreak.

Mr. Chen said that the enemy could not be seen, and that the CCP adopted the “human shield” method of warfare: “People do not move, do not flow. This is called the” human shield“. If you are sick, then it’ll stop the virus by restraining you to make sure there is no further spreading.”

Journalist: The number reported in this period of time is said to have come down. It stopped. What happened? The situation in Beijing is so serious. They said it’s controllable?

Mr. Chen: In order to stabilize public order, the government has tried every means. One method is to compress the figures. From my point of view, the government’s figures are not reliable. For example, Wuhan numbers suddenly rose more than 15,000, why? The inspection of Wuhan communities depends on quotas given to them. One community is given one or two quotas. If one patient is lucky or his/her disease becomes more serious, he/she can take a test, but others don’t have the chance.

Mr. Chen: The quota has been used up. How can this person be counted if he can’t take a test? Isn’t it a clever concealment of the number? And in the end, it’s not their fault. It’s the communities’. The communities didn’t report the number of people. Authorities don’t have any fault. But how many quotas did you give to communities then?

Journalist: They all transfer the contradictions to the grass-roots level. Why?

Mr. Chen: That’s right. It’s called delegating power to the grassroots, but the grassroots have no way to exercise this power. What methods do they have? The houses, the hospitals, the doctors, and the professionals, none of them are delegated to them. You’re not delegating power, you’re passing the buck to others.

Journalist: So much conflict. What do you think?

Mr. Chen: There are some in Wuhan. Since they don’t have a chance to be detected and can only be shut in the room. As long as there is one infected, all the family members will be infected. A family of six, a family of nine are all infected except a child. What is waiting for them? Even if you send these people to the hospital, so what? Hospitals don’t have this ability.

Mr. Chen: The Hubei provincial Party secretary says we’re well prepared, very well prepared. It’s nonsense! What can people do about this? Nothing. The CCP cannot do anything either. These problems are all caused by the deliberate cover-up by the National Centre for Disease Control, which created such an uncontrollable situation.

Journalist: It’s said that the epidemic prevention in Beijing will now be upgraded to that of Wuhan. Is it possible?

Mr. Chen: It seems they’re trying to do that as much as possible. All of the Hutong entrances have installed defensive guard doors. There is no way, because we’ve been fighting for a long time and the enemy is not clear yet. There’s no way to fight this war. Where’s the enemy? Who is it? Even if people stand right in front of you, you can’t know who should be quarantined. There’s no way to find and recognize.

Mr. Chen: By the time you recognize (those infected), the virus has already spread to many places. How can you control it with such a large population and such a large flow? So, the only effective way now is not to move, not to flow. This is called the “human shield”. If you are sick, then it’ll stop with you. No further spread.

Mr. Chen: This issue, such a big problem! All caused by the “preventable and controllable” speech, the “no human-to-human transmission” speech of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It caused Wuhan citizens to lower their guard. This is an evil crime! Not work negligence. This is your job. Spending so much money, setting up the National CDC information network, you claim to be able to notify of a new outbreak from local authorities to the central authority.

Mr. Chen: Yet 400 hours have passed and you are still lying. Is it just a mistake? What are you [expletive] doing? If they didn’t fool people like this, would the situation become so severe? One speech for the inside and another for the outside. Hua Chunying of the Foreign Ministry said at a news conference on Feb. 3 that they have reported the outbreaks and treatment measures to the United States 30 times since Jan. 3. You [expletive]! Why didn’t the Chinese people know about it? Why didn’t you disclose any information at home? The doctors communicate between each other about the disease, yet you arrest and lecture them? These eight doctors are all leaders in the field. What qualifications does a policeman have to reprimand them? The only purpose is to hide the truth. The crimes committed by these people are unpardonable. 
Journalist: It says only China has the capability to control the epidemic.
Mr. Chen: [Expletive]. “Foreign countries can’t do it.” Would foreign countries tell lies like this? Could the police come out and reprimand the doctors who alerted the public? We are a single-voice system. These people are only responsible to the leaders, and are not responsible for the facts, for the people. This is our fundamental problem. You are now sending thousands of troops and horses to the front, because all of these resources are in your hands. This is not powerful, this is a dictator.
After Hubei Province has been placed under lockdown for more than a month, Chinese state media are now telling Chinese people that the coronavirus outbreak is well under control in places outside Hubei Province. They have started to praise the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for outperforming democratic systems in controlling the epidemic, saying only the CCP is capable of implementing strong and compulsory orders across the entire country.
Fortunately, many clear-minded Chinese know well that the CCP should bear the blame for the outbreak; in addition, being “well under control” is a sheer lie and “outperforming democratic system” is a shameless proclamation.