It Really IS a Bargain!

There are a number of true bargains if you’re prepared to look and consider carefully before buying.
It Really IS a Bargain!
Miriam Silverberg
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Miriam Silverberg
Recently I wrote about scoring a terrific bargain on a mink coat at 50 percent off. Well, I met my friend, Leslie, who was sparkling even more than usual. Before I could ask to what to attribute it, she had me take a look at her earrings. Leslie was wearing a beautiful pair of diamond earrings she had bought at a very prestigious Fifth Avenue jeweler.

It seems she had her eye on them for awhile but at $1,900 she just couldn’t justify buying them. Then she was told they were reduced to $399! She asked her mother whether she thought she should buy them and was told, of course, she should. Smart mother.

Not only did Leslie get a $1,900 pair of earrings for $399 but she also bought some other things on sale. That same jeweler had a gold pendant originally $750 marked down to $159. A gold and diamond charm bracelet originally $1,800 was a steal at $359.

In a previous column, I related how an equally prestigious Fifth Avenue store took in promotional items to sell at a “discount.” Of course, these were no bargains. You have to know the merchandise and whether it really is a bargain. In my friend’s case, her jewelry really was a bargain. She had tracked the jewelry for quite awhile until it was reduced.

There are a number of true bargains if you’re prepared to look and consider carefully before buying. As a rule, shop at stores where you’re familiar with their merchandise. If you’ve had your eye on something for awhile but were hesitant to buy it and then you see it’s reduced, grab it.

But remember, something is not a bargain if you can’t wear it or have no occasion to wear it. And don’t buy something that’s too small, thinking you‘ll lose weight. You’ll just have a lovely useless garment hanging in your closet, reproaching you.

Awhile ago I wandered through a shoe department and saw a pair of gorgeous high heels. Now, I don’t wear high heels, certainly not skyscrapers like these. I am a klutz and have a terrible tendency to fall. But these were so beautiful. I forced myself to back away and then run for the exit. I knew I would never wear them. I was really proud of myself. A bargain is only a bargain if you know you will wear it.

Miriam Silverberg is a freelance writer and owner of a boutique publicity agency in Manhattan, Miriam Silverberg Associates. She can be reached at [email protected].
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