Auckland Rally Celebrates 39 Million Quitting Chinese Communist Party

As the Olympic Games approach, people around the world continue to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the number of withdrawals now exceeding 39 million. A rally and march was held in Avondale, Auckland today to celebrate the millions of Chinese stepping forward to quit the CCP and speak out for a free China. Speakers at the rally included Mr Jia Jia, the first high level Chinese official to step forward and publicly quit the CCP in October of 2006 after flying to Taiwan.
Auckland Rally Celebrates 39 Million Quitting Chinese Communist Party
Former Secretary General of the Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Province in China, Mr Jia Jia, speaks at the rally. (Samuel Murphy/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Former Secretary General of the Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Province in China, Mr Jia Jia, speaks at the rally. (Samuel Murphy/The Epoch Times)" title="Former Secretary General of the Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Province in China, Mr Jia Jia, speaks at the rally. (Samuel Murphy/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1835119"/></a>
Former Secretary General of the Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Province in China, Mr Jia Jia, speaks at the rally. (Samuel Murphy/The Epoch Times)

As the Olympic Games approach, people around the world continue to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the number of withdrawals now exceeding 39 million.

A rally and march was held in Avondale, Auckland today to celebrate the millions of Chinese stepping forward to quit the CCP and speak out for a free China.

Speakers at the rally included Mr Jia Jia, the first high level Chinese official to step forward and publicly quit the CCP in October of 2006 after flying to Taiwan.

Mr Jia is the former Secretary General of the Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Province in China, and recently received refugee status in New Zealand, where his son Jia Kuo also lives.

Mr Jia said he is very glad to be in a beautiful and free country like New Zealand, but at the same time expressed grave concerns for his fellow countrymen living in Mainland China where there is no freedom of speech or belief.

“Many other high level CCP officials and policemen in China also want to quit the CCP,” Jia said, speaking in Mandarin at the rally.

“They want to quit the CCP because over almost 60 years since the CCP took over China, they have killed more than 80 million Chinese people,” he said.

“Also, many people in China are living a very miserable life, with a lot of workers living on less than 150 yuan (NZ$28.75) per month.”

After leaving China and publicly withdrawing from the CCP, the CCP constantly put pressure on the countries where Jia travelled to try and deport him back to China. Jia added that he is grateful and happy to finally be settled in New Zealand with refugee status.

Mr Guichun Zhong, a former policeman from the China Public Security Bureau, who also renounced all affiliation he had with the CCP, spoke at the Auckland rally. He congratulated Mr Jia as the first high-level official to publicly quit the CCP and for his arrival to New Zealand.

“I would like to praise Jia Jia’s actions, it is very righteous for him to step forward and quit the CCP, after being in such a high position,” said Mr Zhong.

“The movement of quitting the CCP is a chance for people to save their conscience, to save themselves, from the evil that is the CCP. It is a chance the Gods and Buddha’s have given to mankind to choose the righteous side,” said Mr Zhong.

Other speakers shared views on the importance of quitting the CCP for the well-being of China and the world before the group embarked on a march from the markets at Avondale Racecourse to the Avondale town centre and back.

The number of people withdrawing from the CCP are recorded on a special website created by The Epoch Times after publishing the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party.

It is expected the number of Chinese who will have quit the CCP by the Olympic Games will reach more than 40 million.


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