Art Director: Shen Yun ‘Was Beautiful in So Many Different Ways for Me’

Art director Mahsa Ghorbankarimi said Shen Yun gave her “an out-of-this-world feeling.”
Art Director: Shen Yun ‘Was Beautiful in So Many Different Ways for Me’

TORONTO—Shen Yun Performing Arts was an inspiration and a visual treat for Mahsa Ghorbankarimi, the art director at March Entertainment, a Toronto-based award-winning production company specializing in animated TV shows for kids.

“I loved it, it was beautiful in so many different ways for me,” she said after seeing the acclaimed classical Chinese dance performance at Toronto’s Sony Centre on Saturday night.

“If I can call myself an artist, I was impressed by it in so many different ways,” she noted.

“I loved the colours of the costumes ... and the softness of the dance, which was matching with the softness of the costumes. It was creating a heavenly beauty visually. I really, really enjoyed it.”

She was deeply impressed by the “softness in the movements” of the dance itself, said Ms. Ghorbankarimi, who has over 15 years of professional experience and has worked at a number of renowned animation studios on feature films and award-winning television projects.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Tehran University after placing third in Iran’s highly competitive Concours university entrance exam, ahead of more than a million applicants, as noted in her biography on the March Entertainment website.

“It’s so incredible that it just gives you such an out-of-this-world feeling, which was really enjoyable. I enjoyed my time,” Ms. Ghorbankarimi said.

Shen Yun uses its own state-of-the-art technology to help bring the audience to another world, “one where heaven and earth are one,” states the company’s website. 

That technology is Shen Yun’s vividly animated digital backdrop, which Ms. Ghorbankarimi said she enjoyed thoroughly.

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