Arab League Rejects Syria’s Concessions

The Arab League said on Sunday that it rejected Syria’s demands for altering the league’s plan to end the Syrian conflict, which has left an estimated 3,500 people dead.
Arab League Rejects Syria’s Concessions
A picture shows the headquarters of Syria's ruling Baath party in Al-Mazraa neighborhood in Damascus on November 20, 2011. (AFP/Getty Images)
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The Arab League said on Sunday that it rejected Syria’s demands for altering the league’s plan to end the Syrian conflict, which has left an estimated 3,500 people dead.

“It was agreed that the amendments and appendices proposed by the Syrian side affect the core of the document and would radically change the nature of the mission, which is to oversee the implementation of the Arab plan to end the crisis in Syria and protect Syrian civilians,” the league said in a statement obtained by Al-Arabiya television.

Damascus told the league it wanted a change its proposal to send a 500-man delegation to oversee the situation on the ground in Syria.

Walid al-Moualem, the foreign minister of Syria, claimed that the league is being used as a “tool” by Western powers, reported Al-Jazeera. He said that the observer team violated the country’s sovereignty.

On Nov. 16, the Arab League told Syria that it needed to take steps to end the eight-monthlong violence within three days, otherwise it would be suspended from the bloc.