App of the Week: Song Exporter Pro 1.0

Song Exporter Pro does only one thing, but it does it very well. As its name suggests, it gives you access to the music library on your iOS device.
App of the Week: Song Exporter Pro 1.0

<a><img src="" alt="EXPORTING MUSIC: SongPro is an app that let's you download music directly to your iOS device by directing your computer's web browser to your devices IP address. (Tan Truong/The Epoch Times)" title="EXPORTING MUSIC: SongPro is an app that let's you download music directly to your iOS device by directing your computer's web browser to your devices IP address. (Tan Truong/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1804252"/></a>
EXPORTING MUSIC: SongPro is an app that let's you download music directly to your iOS device by directing your computer's web browser to your devices IP address. (Tan Truong/The Epoch Times)

When Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007, one of its biggest selling points was that it incorporated the features of the best-selling iPod and made it even easier to use. Four years later, even though many features have been improved, there are still some very basic things that you can’t do with your music due to the restrictions that the music industry has forced Apple to implement.

For example, you cannot download a song from a website and add it to the music library on your device—you need to go home and do the download from your computer and add it to iTunes and then sync it with your device. That’s about as inconvenient as taping a song off of the radio. Now, what if the hard drive on your computer crashes and the only copy of your music collection is on your iOS device? There’s no way to recover your music without buying specialized software. But, there is now an inexpensive and easy solution available as an app called Song Exporter Pro.

Song Exporter Pro does only one thing, but it does it very well. As its name suggests, it gives you access to the music library on your iOS device. You simply mark the songs that you want to make available to other computers and then open up a web browser on a computer with your iOS device’s address. The developers make it very easy to find your device by displaying the address on the screen as well as broadcasting it through Bonjour so that you don’t even need to know its IP address. Once you’ve tapped into your device, you will see a list of your music with all the metadata intact. A single click starts the download or playing of a track.

The app itself has a clean interface that is easy to understand and the web interface is no slouch either. You can sort by column headings and do simple filtering. Additionally, you can download the track list as a playlist if all you want to do is listen and not download. For additional security you can set a login to access the tracks.

The ability to directly access your own music on your iPhone is something that Apple should have built into their iOS devices, but Song Exporter Pro fills that void quite nicely. This is an app that everyone should get.

Song Exporter Pro costs $1.99.

[etRating value=“ 5”]



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