For several years, residents in Yaxi Town, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, have been suffering from muddy tap water.
According to the residents, most of the time the water is as black as if someone had washed a mop with it, at other times it appears yellow with mud. The residents have complained and appealed to the authorities for years but to no avail.
Indifferent Government Officials
On Sept. 23, Yaxi Town resident, Mr. Li, told the Epoch Times that the problem has been around for as long as he lived in the town, “I have lived here for ten years. People here have to drink bottled water or get water from the wells.”
Another resident, Mr. Liu complained to Yangtze Evening News that the tap water was similar to the water in sewage and the government did nothing to help. “The residents have complained and petitioned the government but nothing has been done. We have to buy bottled water or drink from the wells.”
Sometimes the water quality is better, but the people still need to let the muddy water settle before drinking.
Ms. Fang from Yaxi told the Epoch Times that she had not been able to use the tap water for drinking for many years, “I have a large water vat at home. When the water is not so turbid, I fill the vat and let it settle. The turbid water can’t be used for laundry. I have a well and use the well water for my laundry. However, not every household has a well.”
Ms. Fang said that she calls the town government to report the problem when the water turns black. “The government said there is nothing it can do. The government also attributed the problem to aging pipes. As these pipes are too old and often run into problems, they need to be repaired. They said that tap water becomes turbid as a result from the lack of repairs and maintenance of the water pipes.”
Village Commissioner: At least 70,000 people are suffering
A commissioner of one of the villages in Yaxi told the Epoch Times that the town’s water plant has had problems for many years. There are over 70,000 people in town who are suffering. “The government gives the town a subsidy to buy water but the money never reaches the small villages. Every year I have to spend hundreds of yuan buying water.”
Road Work is the Root Cause
The Epoch Times called the Yaxi Town Water Plant on Sept.23. A staff from the plant said that currently there is no solution to the problem. The residents just have to turn the tap water on and let it run for a while to discharge the mud before using it.
The staff said that the reason that causes sand and mud to get into the pipes is the construction projects that are widening the roads. The heavy machinery often breaks the water pipes causing the water to become contaminated.
Read the original Chinese article.