7 Signs that a Business Attorney is Right for You and Your Business

7 Signs that a Business Attorney is Right for You and Your Business
Robert Morrison

There are a lot of little things involved in running your own business, and sometimes, this can include legalities. When a big corporation is sued, the amount of money they are ordered to pay out is little more than a drop in the bucket to them. But, when small entrepreneurs are sued, it can mean the end of their businesses, because they just don’t have the same resources that the wealthy corporations have. They need to have attorneys who are well-versed in all areas of business law, and who will be fair and impartial to their clients.

Often, it is a good idea for entrepreneurs to have attorneys on their teams to help them with decisions that may have legal ramifications. In fact, it is a good idea to establish a relationship with an attorney before there are any actual legal problems instead of waiting until something bad happens. It can take time for attorneys and their clients to develop relationships, and it is better to have that relationship instead of hiring an attorney that knows nothing at all about an entrepreneur or their business. Before starting any business, it is best to establish a relationship with accident attorneys.

The problem can be finding the right legal representation. These days, you will find many veterans becoming attorneys once they leave the service and get back to civilian life. There are so many law firms out there, and it can be difficult to figure out which one is going to be best to work with entrepreneurs. One of the first things to do is talk to other business owners and find out who represents them. Ask about their strengths and weaknesses, and how they stand up against other attorneys. Once you have it narrowed down to a half a dozen or so attorneys to consider, set up consultations with them to talk about long-term relations. Look out for those who want to charge a fee for the initial consultation. For a consultation, contact Joseph Graves.

If you are an entrepreneur who is seeking the best legal representation for yourself and for your business, there are seven important things to look for:

1) References – Ask attorneys for references, and contact those references to learn about their experiences. Ask if they are happy with their attorneys’ services, rates, etc.

2) Knowledge – An attorney should learn about your business, and your goals for the business. He or she is there to help you to succeed, so they must understand your individual needs as an entrepreneur.

3) Being Available – Your attorney must be available when you need them. If they can’t even take the time to return a phone call, it is time to move on and find other legal representation.

4) Experience – It is important that entrepreneurs hire attorneys that are experienced in working with small business owners. They need to know about everything from business structures to tax laws. They don’t necessarily need to be experts in the fields of their clients, but they should have a good understanding of the business and how it works.

5) Good Chemistry – You and your attorney need to be able to get along well with each other in order for their work to be positive for your business.

6) Communication Skills – A good attorney should be able to communicate in a way that is easily understood by the layperson, without using a lot of legalese. When they do use legal terms, they should explain what they mean. If they don’t, they are not right for your.

7) Competitive Fees – The fees attorneys charge can range between $50 and $1,000 per hour. Often, the fees will depend on the law firm itself and the reputation and experience of the attorneys. Get quotes from a few attorneys before making a final decision.

Image Source: Ovsanna Takvoryan