7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 4

7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 4
umbrellas on the beaches of Italy in the morning hour. (*Shutterstock)

And once again, we set off for a quick trip around the world with interesting news that you probably won’t see anywhere else today.


Italy: Beach tourism slumps in ‘crazy weather’

The lingering effects of Italy’s recession and the “crazy weather the country has endured so far this summer, with frequent rain and storms, has caused a slump in seaside tourism this season. An association representing Italian beach establishments, the Sindacato Italiano Balneari, said Fridayt that its members saw customer numbers drop by up to 70% ... (Read more)



Thailand: The use of crash helmets will be discouraged

The forward command of the Internal Security Operations Command is to ask motorcyclists and pillion riders in the restive three southernmost provinces not to wear crash helmets as part of a preventive security measure, said Colonel Banpote Poonpien, spokesman of the ISOC ... (Read more)

Thai PBS


UK: Fruit and veg: More than five-a-day ‘no effect’

New research backs the five-a-day target for fruit and vegetables, but suggests eating more may have no added benefits. An analysis of 16 worldwide studies suggested that for every portion of fruit and vegetables consumed, there was a lower risk of premature death.

But after five portions a day, there was no further impact, researchers report ... (Read more)



France: Nine Months In Jail For Comparing French Justice Minister To A Monkey

A former far-right candidate for mayor in eastern France was sentenced to nine months in jail for having compared French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira to a monkey.

The French court also ordered the local politician, Anne-Sophie Leclère, to pay a 50,000-euro fine for having made a racial insult. A 30,000-euro fine was also levied against the National Front party that she was representing. ... (Read more)



Oman: The big fat Indian wedding expected on Omani shores

Oman is likely to become the most-sought after destination for big fat Indian weddings in the region, an official from Oman’s tourism promotion body in India said.

“Muscat is likely to witness two large-scale Indian weddings featuring 700 and 1,000 guests, in November and early next year, respectively. More potential enquiries have been there and the Indian government has recognised Oman as a wedding destination ... (Read more)

Times of Oman


Norway: The floating hotel under the Northern Lights

A unique eco-luxury hotel is set to be built in Norway and will become Europe’s first floating hotel under the Northern Lights.

The Krystall hotel will be located just outside of Tromsø. It will feature a snowflake design that will float on the surrounding Norwegian waters, while the largely glass structure will allow guests to enjoy the wonders of the Northern Lights above. ... (Read more)

The Local


UAE: Giving sharks a chance

In a few weeks UAE will regulate hunting and trading of sharks. A ministerial resolution has already been issued on July 26, 2014. According to Dr Rashid bin Fahad, Minister of Environment and Water, the new regulation will be effective from September 1, 2014.

So I decided to visit the Deira Fish Market and try to see whether the fishmongers and fishermen really comprehend the serious of shark hunting and trading and whether or not they are aware of the new regulation. A friend of mine suggested that that it is better to visit the market at 3:30am, a time when fish auction takes place ... (Read more)

Khaleej Times


*Image of umbrellas on the beaches of Italy via Shutterstock