7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 14

7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 14
Purple flowers and Mt.Fuji in Japan. (*Shutterstock)

And once again, we set off for a quick trip around the world with interesting news that you probably won’t see anywhere else today.


Japan: Mount Fuji in urgent need of relief from climbing hordes

I once heard that there were “white rivers” running down Mount Fuji. Actually, they were festoons of used toilet paper, mixed with human excrement and discharged from mountain hut toilets, clinging to the sides of the mountain. Utterly gross and unsanitary, they definitely did not belong on Japan’s sacred, iconic peak.

But the restrooms on Mount Fuji are said to have been considerably improved in recent years ... (Read more)

Asahi Shimbun


Mexico: In Mexico, Dancing is One of Life’s Greatest Pleasures

Ahhh to dance! This is one of my greatest pleasures in life. It is my way of expressing myself and saying, “I feel great!” “I like you!” “I enjoy your company!” “I look great!” “What great music!” “Come on!” “Shall we dance?”

Dancing makes me feel healthy, happy, sensual, attractive, ALIVE ... (Read more)

Banderas News


UK:  Desk hacks: Must-have gadgets

If a grey office cubicle leaves you feeling unmotivated, you’re not alone.

Simply by customising your workspace to your own tastes, you can improve your job satisfaction and morale, studies show. In fact, allowing employees to personalise their work environment can positively impact a company’s bottom line by increasing productivity and reducing staff turnover ... (Read more)



New Zealand: Fears internet is running out of space as eBay crashes

Problems that brought down websites such as eBay could become a regular occurrence as the internet effectively runs out of space, experts have warned.

Technical faults could cost economies because parts of the web are out-of-date and essentially “full”. ... (Read more)

The New Zealand Herald


Denmark: Leaders meet to discuss rise in anti-Semitism

Political leaders are meeting in Copenhagen with Jewish and Muslim representatives today to examine the extent of the rise in anti-Semitism in Copenhagen and the rest of the country. The tension is being triggered by the current conflict in Gaza. ... (Read more)

The Copenhagen Post


Singapore: A kaleidoscope of orchids by the Bay

The 10m-tall Orchid Kaleidoscope, which envelopes visitors with the vibrant colours of thousands of flowers, is one of the displays to be exhibited at the Singapore Garden Festival.

It is part of the Orchid Extravaganza@ Flower Dome, which features about 18,000 orchid plants ... (Read more)

The Straits Times


Austria: The question of begging in Austria

“Eine Frage,” he says, squinting his eyes, feigning that look somebody has just before they burst out into tears. “Haben Sie velleicht fünfzig Cents?”

I keep my eyes on his. My conscience squirms like a worm that’s had its tail cut off or a beetle on its back. Before I know it, he pulls out the Kinder card ... (Read more)

The Local


 *Image of purple flowers and Mt.Fuji in Japan via Shutterstock