5 Ways to Manage Social Media (So It Doesn’t Manage You)

5 Ways to Manage Social Media (So It Doesn’t Manage You)
By Due

We’ve all done it. We glance at the clock and realize that we’ve been on Twitter for a half-hour with nothing to show for our time. Social media and digital communication is supposed to make our lives easier, but sometimes it seems to be managing us, instead of the other way around. How do we put these digital helpers back in their proper perspective and engage with the real world?

Here are five tips to decrease social media time-wasting and to take control of your workflow—and of course, make more money!

Put Ancillary Technology (Like Phones or Tablets) out of Sight When You’re Supposed to Be Working on Your Computer

“Out of sight, out of mind” is a powerful life principle. Even if it’s just in a nearby bag, getting your phone or other distracting device out of your line of vision will significantly decrease your impulse to use it.
Put devices away when you’re not using them, and you will be surprised at how much time you save.

Turn off Sounds and All Notifications

Unless you are actually waiting for an important call, the pings and beeps of phones and computers typically announce spam e-mails from clothing retailers, not your next gig. It’s nothing more than an addictive cue, and turning off all push notifications and sounds helps to free your workplace of distraction.
Even on your computer, take the trouble to disable any notifications that appear at the top of your screen.

Take Daily Digital Breaks to Daydream and Work Analog with a Pen and Paper

While computers help us to quickly and even thoroughly research topics that we need to formally explore, technology does not help us to make creative connections between disparate ideas. When let loose, our daydreaming and natural organizational abilities can create innovation.
Let your mind wander sometimes, instead of reaching for the phone at otherwise “boring” moments like waiting in line at the grocery store. Sometimes we just need to relax—even if you’re a business owner.

Close E-Mail and Social Media Pages on Your Computer When You Are Not Actively Checking Them

Some people only check and answer e-mails a few times a day. However, it can help to simply close the screen from your desktop or temporarily disable mail on your phone. The “out of sight, out of mind” principle works here as well. You will find yourself not checking your e-mail and social media for hours at a time without even trying.
This allows you to get more work done without being rigid about prescriptive times to check e-mail and respond.

Set a Digital “Sunrise” and “Sundown” for Your Lifestyle

It can be very effective to have set times that your phone and computer turn off at night and turn on in the morning. Not only will this help you sleep better, but you will also experience increased productivity.

Many people use their phone almost until the moment they fall asleep. By breaking this habit, you will allow your mind time to relax and wander freely. Give yourself permission to write ideas down with a pen and paper if inspiration strikes!

By William Lipovsky
In-depth retirement research, guides, product reviews, and news.
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