4 Uniquely Awesome Juice Recipes

4 Uniquely Awesome Juice Recipes

Do you juice or are you looking to start juicing? Many people who juice find a couple good recipes and stick with their tried and true juices. While this makes for a consistently good drink, it can also quickly become a rut. Plus it causes you to miss one of the biggest benefits of juicing. Juicing let’s you expand your diet to produce that can be difficult to routinely eat in a solid food diet. Here are some recipes that will let you add parsley, ginger, kale, grapefruit, and other super foods.

#1: Sweet Cucumber


  • 4 fist fulls of spinach
  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 4 small Apples (fuji recommended)


  1. Wash your vegetables and slice cucumbers and apples in to small pieces. No need to peel the produce.
  2. Feed all the produce into juicer, stir, and serve ASAP.

Source: It’s a Blog Party

#2: Watermelon Kale Juice


·         1/4 medium watermelon rind and flesh, cut into strips

·         1 bunch of kale, including stems (but if you’re juicing a lot of kale for a bigger batch, remove the stems, as the strings can clog the machine)

·         3-4 carrots (or more for sweetness)


After washing and cutting your ingredients into thin slices to easily feed through the juicer, begin to process them through the juicer. If you’re juicing a lot of kale, remove the stems as they can sometimes contain a lot of “strings” depending on your kale variety and this can clog the juicer. If your juice is too bitter, you can add more watermelon or carrots to taste to add sweetness.

#3 Vegetable Juice Recipe Tomato Juice


  • 3 cups chopped tomatoes
  • stalk celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 drops stevia (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalaya sea salt
  • pepper
  • cayenne pepper


Juice the tomatoes, celery, and cucumber in your juicer. Add drops stevia if you like a sweeter taste, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste. If you like you can also add a 1/4 onion, fresh oregano and basil and red bell pepper. Mmmmm so good!

Source: Best of Raw Food

#4: Pineapple Ginger Lime Juice Recipe


  • half a large ripe pineapple
  • 1 lime
  • 2-inch piece of ginger (use less if this is too spicy)
  • optional: sparkling water


  1. Wash everything and make sure they’re all dry.
  2. Peel the pineapple, slice into “spears,” and cut out the fibrous center core sections from each spear.
  3. Slice a few thin rings from the end of the lime (for garnish), then carefully peel the rest of the whole lime. Lime peels seem to be much thinner than other citrus, so you may have to use a knife. Save the peel in the fridge to use for its zest later. You can leave the ginger unpeeled (the juicer will remove it).
  4. Send the ginger, lime and pineapple spears through the juicer. You can juice the ingredients in whatever order you'd like, but I send the ginger first because it’s the “driest” and like to believe that the juicer will extract “more” if it hits the mesh screen first.
  5. Put the juice in the freezer for about 10 minutes to chill it down.

Photo Credit

Article by Chris Wimmer. Read more juicing articles at HealthSmartLiving.com including his 3 day juice cleanse plan.

Chris blogs at HealthSmartLiving.com about cooking, juicing, and hydroponic gardening. He's new at Facebook and isn't very good at it so stop by and provide some encouragement!
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