25 X-Files Released by British Government

A variety of UFO-related documents ranging from 1965 to 2008 have been made public by the National Archives in the United Kingdom.
25 X-Files Released by British Government


Highlights From the Latest Release of UFO Files in the United Kingdom (The National Archives)


A variety of UFO-related documents ranging from 1965 to 2008 have been made public by the National Archives in the United Kingdom.

There are about 7,000 pages of information in the newly released collection, which includes sighting reports, drawings, public correspondence, and parliamentary questions.

Former Ministry of Defence UFO expert Nick Pope described the files as a “mixed bag” in an Independent Television News (ITN) interview, referring to misidentifications by members of the public as well as reports from pilots, police officers, and military personnel.

“There are also some policy documents explaining how those of us at the Ministry of Defence with responsibility for this subject struggled to make sense of it and tried to do a balancing act between the public, the media, and the UFO community,” Pope told ITN.

“This is a subject that arouses huge passions and controversy,” he added. “A lot of people think that the Ministry of Defence is actually hiding information on this subject and that there is a big conspiracy here.”

One of the files contains a briefing prepared for the Ministry of Defence in 1993. An unnamed intelligence officer stated that alien technology should be utilized if it is real.

“If the reports are taken at face value, then devices exist that do not use conventional reaction propulsion systems; they have a very wide range of speeds and are stealthy,” he wrote.

“I suggest that we could use this technology, if it exists.”

The UFO files can be accessed here for one month.

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